View Full Version : can someone help me

little kyle
16-02-11, 22:49
basicly i get worried about my health where does that come in on the anxity side of things and what is it calld i have looked everywhere to find the answer but not getting anywhere fast what so ever

16-02-11, 22:53
It is called Health Anxiety

16-02-11, 22:54
Have a read of this ...


16-02-11, 22:54
hi kyle,

its just general health anxiety, any little ache or pain causes you to worry or convince yourself that your dying of some illness or disease, i suffer with this too, whatever you do dont googl symptoms that you have - it will only make things worse to cope with.

hope this helps :)

little kyle
16-02-11, 23:19
Thank you for the replys

that has helped me know what is wrong

plus is it normal to feel hot if your thinking about somthing that can worry you all the time ?

16-02-11, 23:27
hey ye its very normal to feel hot or get hot flushes, when i have a panic attack the first thing i do is get really hot, i sometimes stick my head in the fridge lol sounds stupid but it helps :)

little kyle
16-02-11, 23:33
Thank you bezzaboo....you have put my mind to rest......because i would get hot and worry like mad about it thinking somthing was wrong...... but now i know its normal i feel abit better :D

17-02-11, 21:06
Yeah I have suffered from this quite badly. A few years ago I was convinced I was going blind, then it changed to worrying I had cancer, then it changed to worrying about losing my mind.

You just need to find a way to distract yourself and think positive, ask yourself is there a rational reason why you're worried about any certain aspect of your health?