View Full Version : its all too much

16-02-11, 22:52
Have so much on just now, too many changes all at once and i hate change so getting in a sate about that. Have to move offices at work to another area i am not familiar with and further away so am worried about that.

Have to move out of where im living by begining of next month so much to do there and scared about this change.

On top of moving, working, im studying as well and have 2 assignments i have to do and loads of other work on top.

Im so tired and fed up, am still not feeling particularly well.

Just about had enough, why am i bothering, should i just not give up....

17-02-11, 00:35
Never give up! Just take one step at a time.

17-02-11, 00:50
Well you could just give up I guess but then what?

We all have to juggle busy lives and have so much on that it overwhelms us but you need to sit down and plan and take one thing at a time.

Write down the events and when they are going to happen and then face each one on its own, tick it off and move on to the next one.

Ok let me give you an example of what I have going on:

Made redundant so need to find a job. Have to keep actively looking each day and writing down to prove what I have done to find a job. Have to search for a job and then apply for it.

Need to update CV

Started decorating bedroom - big big job and regret starting it but need to keep at it.
Walls need painting and woodwork sanding so I can then paint them again the next day

Washing needs sorting

Housework needs doing

Need to sort out gettting the funny noise on my car looked at.

Need to look at swapping gas and electricity companies as our bills are so high

Need to sort out a pension as I now lost my work's one. Need to transfer an old pension scheme to something as it is winding up.

Got loads of emails and PM's from NMP to sort out

Need to think about the No panic conference in June and start preparing leaflets for it so I can get them printed off.

People want more wristbands on NMP so need to research that and find out costs.

These are just a few on my list!

So I need prioritise them and write them down and then face them one by one.

I am tired too and can't sleep well so I am awake most of the night. On top of this my heart problems make me very tired so I can only do so much each day before I run out of steam

You are not alone that is all I am saying

blue moon
17-02-11, 01:53
One step at a time I must do that :)

17-02-11, 09:59
Thanks for the replies

I guess we all have loads to do and yeh one step at a time and do what you can when you can.

I just find change really hard yet i know in the long run it will probably be good for me its just getting through it.

Im sorry Nicola you are going through all you have to do, its sounds like youve a lot on. goodluck with job hunting and hope you find something soon.

As you said one thing at a time write a list which im never good at but i will try it out.

17-02-11, 10:27
Making lists helps me as then I can cross them off when I have done them.

Sorry for the moan last night. I was trying to sympathise and ended up having a moan myself :roflmao:

17-02-11, 10:49
never give up it will get better i never expected to but now i am back to work and enjoying life

17-02-11, 18:41
Hiya Nicola no worries about the moan anytime we all do it, hope it helped, sounds like you have a lot on at the moment.

Thanks lynn for the encouragement hope its all worth it in the end for me!


17-02-11, 19:40
Yeah I just need to get myself organised and get that list ticked off one by one lol

19-02-11, 23:48
awe lol nicola you will one thing at a time. I have made a start on packing now and studying just need to finish them now.

20-02-11, 00:41
Good luck - you will get there I am sure

20-02-11, 02:50
I definately agree with making a list,will be starting mine tomorrow:yesyes:

Just remember to take one day at a time...Rome wasn't built in a day!

20-02-11, 08:45
You get one shot at life so dont give up,
I would say priorities things, plan things and most importantly look after yourself. Make sure you eat, and sleep well becuase if your not feeling great your not going to be able to do what you need to do
hope i helped

20-02-11, 09:39
I can relate to feeling like it's all getting too much. Some times the list seems sooooooo long but I guess we just have to do one thing at a time.
I'm registering a business in a new country and all the tax implications (and the fact I registered a bit later than I should have) are really worrrying me but I've come to the conclusion that I have to face all these things, I have to learn to do the accounts in the way they are required and giving up really isn't an option. It's hard...but lists can help.
Also put nice things are your list interspersed with the 'chores'. Like watch a film, or have a piece of cake, or go for a walk........that way you can be nice to yourself at the same time as ticking things off your list :)