View Full Version : worried about hurting baby

16-02-11, 23:00
I am always anxious about hurting my baby by accident. This morning I put her next to me in bed cause she was unsettled. I accidentally fell asleep. I woke up an hour later. I am worried I accidentally hit her or rolled on her in my sleep. She woke up fine though, she didn't wake me up crying and she is laughing and acting very normal. I know these are signs she is ok but I cant get rid of the thoughts. I feel so guilty- I will never put her in my bed again.

16-02-11, 23:10
It is so lovely having your baby lie next to you, i had three.

But i would always go by your instincts and not put your baby in bed if there is any chance you are going to fall asleep, at the end of the day it is dangerous.

If you rolled on her, there is no way she could push you off, at the end of the day she is fine but i really wouldn't suggest it happening again.

She is obviously fine so don't worry.

di xx

16-02-11, 23:26
try not to worry too much we all worry about hurting them accidentally gosh mine are two and five and I'm still a worrier lol

it is nice to have them in bed with you mine do it all the time but if there is a chance of falling asleep and rolling it probably is better to be safe x

17-02-11, 00:40
Yes I am very aware of the dangers of putting your baby in bed with you. I feel like a horrible mother for doing so- I should have known better. I just can't shake the thought that she has brain damage because I may have stopped her breathing. I know that thought is silly. If i had stopped her breathing she would not have woken up. And if she had brain damage she wouldn't act normal. But I will never ever take that risk again. Ever.