View Full Version : Feeling depressed

17-02-11, 06:49
I'm really not having a very good day today. I'm feeling quite down and depressed and can't seem to get myself out of it. Starting feeling anxious in the morning, I know thats the side effects of increasing my meds, but the anxiety isn't so bad now, more that I am feeling really depressed. I know its only a matter of time before the meds kick in and I start feeling better, but I hate this feeling of not having control over the way I feel. The worst thing is, i can't even cry...I usually feel better after a good cry!
And i feel so exhausted, like I could sleep all day, but try not to nap, otherwise I'm up all night and then I'll feel even worse tomorrow.
Bring on next week, I know I'll feel better, but it seems so long away!
Does anyone else get really depressed because of their anxiety and meds. Any suggestions on how to deal with it? I keep saying to myself, keep busy, but I'm just to tired to do anything!

17-02-11, 12:39
Hi Patsta

Hang in there you know it will get better when the meds kick in. I've been feeling the same way and although its a huge effort when your tired I do think pushing yourself to find something to do does take your mind off things (for a while). For me sitting or lying thinking about things makes it worse. I'm relativley new to anxiety however have already worked out we all need to fight and will get there. Hang in there and take care. Andrew. :yesyes:

17-02-11, 19:42
Thanks Andrew,
I know that I need to keep myself busy, sometimes its so hard, and I just want to give in and hide somewhere until I feel better. I went for a little walk with my husband and daughter in the evening and felt a little better. I think I just need to get outdoors a little more!
Thanks again and good luck