View Full Version : Fed up with pain and discomfort

cheesy pete
17-02-11, 13:41
Totally fed up with continued aches and pains. Had endoscopy last year and diagnosed with small hiatus hernia. Occasionally i have problems with chest discomfort, burping and my sides really ache. Been to the doctors this morning as I had a really bad night last night. Had an ecg which was ok and been put back onto Lanzoprazole. Chest discomfort feels much better but sides i.e rib cage still ache. Could this be due to anxiety? Just totally fed up with taking one step forward and two back :weep:

17-02-11, 14:24
I could have written this word for word so fed up with feeling like crap sorry to be blunt but its daily and every thing seems such a struggle some times but I suppose i should be feeling proud of my self I do carry on I think i put up this front so as to not every one know how rubbish I feel every day I ask my self could this all be anxiety often

cheesy pete
17-02-11, 14:32
You are right, you should be proud that you carry on. I try to do the same myself without people realising how crap you feel. I find that some of the posts on this site are really helpful and make you realise that you aren't alone.