View Full Version : Nurofen - pain relief or cause?!

17-02-11, 13:42
I have been suffering from a horrible gum infection, and was put on antibiotics which have done nothing - in fact, it's got worse!

Anyway, I woke up in agony last night and took two nurofen - I'd max out on paracetamol. I know you're not supposed to take it on an empty stomach but at 3am, I wasn't really concentrating!

Anyway, I then woke up at 5.30ish with an awful pain between by breast bone that came on in waves. Almost like a feeling something was lodged. It's relaxed a bit over the day but it's still there.

I went to the Docs who changed the meds for my infection and when I told her about the nurofen on an empty stomach, she said "that"ll be why you've got the pains in your chest" (after having listened to my lungs and heart and declaring all was fine).

So, not far off 12 hours since I took the nurofen, it's still hurting, but less, and I've eaten. Can it really have been down to that? Anyone had anything similar?

17-02-11, 17:29
Oh dear...does the silence mean no one has had this? :weep:

28-09-12, 12:36
Sorry Nicole, but I don't think Nurofen would cause that. I have it all the time on an empty stomach and nothing like that has ever happened to me. Each person if diferent though. Sorry I couldn't be much help. Probably heartburn.