View Full Version : Itching/scratching (strange one)

17-02-11, 13:45
For the last year or so I have had periods of feeling very itchy. It doesn't bother me much as I've always suffered from urticaria and I normally ignore it. However, this year, if my mind is consumed with something else and I am scratching absentmindedly I've been scratching my skin off. Right now I have a pretty major gash on my leg that has scabbed over and been there for a week. It hasn't shrunk in size, its still swollen and red around it and its quite painful so it must have gone relatively deep.

I'm thinking of making sure we always use the same washing detergent in case this is causing the itch (I sometimes scratch at night and wake up with cuts so there's probably something physical happening) but my boyfriend asked last night if I thought maybe it was psychological. It hadn't occurred to me before but he has a point, as there is no rash on my skin so no real reason why I should be scratching so hard.

I was just wondering if anybody had ever heard of people scratching their skin off due to stress? I just want to emphasise that this isn't a self-harm thing, I don't feel any pain and don't know I'm doing it - it just feels itchy, even when the skin's off! If I'm aware of myself scratching, I stop before the skin comes off, it's only if my mind is taken up with something else.

Anyone any idea if this sounds like anxiety?

17-02-11, 13:53
hi, i don't know if this is worth mentioning as a side note.

i am currently seeing a specialist for my allergies..

she said that histamine, the chemical that creates allergic reaction, lies very close to the surface of our skin - this is what causes us to itch, creates a rash and leads to more serious reactions etc.

she said that if you actually scratched your arm, the sensation would stir up the histamine and cause it to itch, causing you to keep itching and eventually you would get a rash. this is why your skin gets red etc when you itch it.

you could maybe be disturbing histamine, which is making you itchy and in turn really scratch! thought it was worth mentioning x

17-02-11, 13:56
Hmmm, that sounds like it could very well be it! Good info, thank you! My skin's sensitive and my boyfriend uses a different washing powder to me so I might be a little allergic to it, causing the original itch and then scratching is making it itch more! I'll make sure we only use my detergent and see if it goes away!


17-02-11, 13:57
yeh my skin is mega sensitive and washing powder always sets me off - seems like it could be, especially as you are doing it at night etc!

17-02-11, 14:02
i think that it can be stress, anxiety/panic that can cause an itching fit. I get it from time to time, itching all over at once from the head down, seems worse at night. Very annoying.