View Full Version : Really bad cold has sent my anxiety through the roof :(

17-02-11, 13:49
Hi, I've tried not to post for a while and have been trying to concentrate on getting myself better. However, 2 days ago I got hit with a really bad cold (maybe flu, I'm not sure) and it's sent my anxiety through the roof! I guess I'm just looking for a little reassurance to be honest.
My symptoms are...
Blocked nose
Pressure in ears (feel like I'm under water)
Real bad tickling in throat
Feel like I can't breathe properly
Feel like my throat is swelling up/hard to swallow/feel like I might choke (can't eat as a result)
Worst headache I've ever had, at back of head (hurts even more if I bend over)
Sore chest
Sore neck and behind left ear
Waves of nausea
Stomachs cramps
Feeling like my head is really hot yet my temperature is 36.7
Feel like I'm going to pass out

Should I go to see the doctor? I won't be able to drive there though feeling like this and I'm on my own until 5pm. Really worried and scared!

17-02-11, 16:16
Hiya :)

Its scary when we get ill, having real symptoms after a wealth of imaginary ones is frightening and I'm sure you will be stressed out enough being ill without telling yourself that it is something more serious.

These are just very typical cold symptoms and I don't think it sounds like flu. You don't need to see a doctor, they will just tell you to rest, drink lots of fluids and take asprin if you get a fever.

You will not pass out. You are just a bit weak from the cold and the pressure in your ears will be making your balance feel a bit funny.

You will be fine.

17-02-11, 19:35
Hiya :)

Its scary when we get ill, having real symptoms after a wealth of imaginary ones is frightening and I'm sure you will be stressed out enough being ill without telling yourself that it is something more serious.

These are just very typical cold symptoms and I don't think it sounds like flu. You don't need to see a doctor, they will just tell you to rest, drink lots of fluids and take asprin if you get a fever.

You will not pass out. You are just a bit weak from the cold and the pressure in your ears will be making your balance feel a bit funny.

You will be fine.

Thanks Emz!

I'm feeling even worse now :( can't eat at all (only managed a cereal bar all day!) n not got the energy to get up off the couch! Feeling rotten :(

17-02-11, 20:43
Thanks Emz!

I'm feeling even worse now :( can't eat at all (only managed a cereal bar all day!) n not got the energy to get up off the couch! Feeling rotten :(

Urgh, that sucks so much. I hate being ill!! Just try to relax and sip fruit juices if you're able. You'll be able to eat again soon and if you're anything like me you'll be up and about in a few days vowing to eat more fruit and veg to stave off colds lol

17-02-11, 21:27
I know exactly how you feel, I've had virus for a good few days now and it doesn't seem to be shifting, hate been ill I turn it in to everything it isn't flu,swine flu etc anyway my doctor said if it was flu I'd be in bed unable to get up. Maybe you just have a cold or some virus my gp said there's lots going round. Get some rest if you can take painkillers for your headache and drink plenty of fluids.hope you feel better soon:)

17-02-11, 22:13
I also have exactly the same, all the same symtoms and my anxiety has hit the roof too. There's alot of things going around at the minute, I still manage to convince myself im dying though or have a serious illness lol :)