View Full Version : endometriosis and ultrasound scan

17-02-11, 14:11
Hi all,

Im in a total state of panic and cant stop crying :( Im terrified, i have pain low down and in my back and my gp thinks i have endometriosis and i need to go for a ultrasound scan, the thing is i have Agoraphobia and the hospital is like 25 miles away, how on earth am im going to do this? i know diazepam is not going to sedate me enough, im terrified and think i would rather die quick that this. I just dont know what to do, where to turn :( i want this all over with NOW!

please help anyone

Katy xx

17-02-11, 21:01
:( Anyone with any advice?

17-02-11, 21:11
Hi Katy
I have HA and I also have endometriosis, and have done for 20 years;. The ultrasound is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to worry about, I promise. It's painless. Let me reassure you endometriosis is not any kind of life threatening disease. It's more of a nuisance and a pain (literally). I have stage IV, which is the worst.
You will be fine! xx:winks:

17-02-11, 22:27
If the agoraphobia is the worst bit then ask your Dr for diazepam and experiment on how much you can take and still be upright and then use this dose to get you through the ultasound. I have had to have 8 mri scans over past 10 years and until recently because I am claustrophobic I would take enough diazepam that I could just about walk and talk without slurring my words:) so that I could go in scanner. I seem to have got used to the scanner as my last scan month ago I did without anything:yesyes:.

the ultrasound is non invasive and completely painless and over with in no time. You usually don't even need to remove your clothes just pull things up and down.