View Full Version : Anyone struggling with agoraphobia and drinks alcohol to be able to go out?????

17-02-11, 15:14
Just wondered whether there were others on here who have agoraphobia and use alcohol to be able to get out of the house?
I`ve had this problem for many years now but it started to get better when i was in a relationship. After 4 years with my partner she decided to end things and weeks later i`m now alone and drinking to be able to get out - even just to go to a local shop as my legs go to jelly and i freak out with severe panic.
Can`t see a way forward and feel like i`m the only one that is drinking to get out or see anyone who comes to the house, would like others to relate to if possible.

paula lynne
17-02-11, 15:20
I do. Not as much as I used to. I was on valium several years back, and drinking a medium bottle of vodka a day. Its no wonder I "lost" 2 years...........I went for alcohol councelling a couple of years ago, and identified I was using it as a crutch. I know am in control of "it", not the other way around.
I enjoy a bottle of wine on a Sunday before lunch, and may have a bottle of wine on a wednesday. Still feel rough in the morning, but sometimes I say..what the hell.

When I began to take control of my anx and agoraphobia, I HAD TO have a drink in the car before going out anywhere. Ive stopped doing that now, as I got used to being out. Its hard, but you can. Just start reducing.

I can honestly say, the temptation is still there everytime I go out, but I have to tell myself I am strong, and I dont need alcohol anymore just to face the world.

This is clearly a reaction to the loss of your relationship, which is understandable. But as time passes, and your hurt begins to heal, you can start to make the little changes needed to be able to rely less on the booze, cutting back/down, until one day you will be out and about without the need for a drink. I wish you all the best. Maybe try some online support groups too. Take care x

17-02-11, 15:30
Paula... i;m with you on the wednesday night wine :hugs::winks:

17-02-11, 18:53
yes im ashamed to say i have resorted to a drink before i go out. it only helps in short term,then you find that one drink will turn to 2.its not the answer i know and wouldnt recomend it,But at first it does relax you.And im sure like me English guy we dont want to become relient on drink.There are other ways of support and this sight will help regards Holly:)

17-02-11, 19:45
Absolutely, and lately, since I started my meds again and waiting for them to start working properley, I find myself looking at the clock to see if its after 12 yet so I can have a drink to decrease my anxiety!

17-02-11, 20:09
I am, unfortunately, exactly the same. If I have 2 go out, or if someone is coming round 2 c me, I will have a few vodkas or glasses of wine, not enough so that I am drunk, but rather tipsy and more relaxed. Not good, I know, but feel like I need it x

18-02-11, 22:19
I use alcohol to sleep better and to relax:blush::blush:

Getting a bad habit again . I also drink to relax before i eat at night due to this lump i feel in my back when swallowing , its not there when i,m pissed , need to sort myself out really

18-02-11, 22:25
Absolutely, and lately, since I started my meds again and waiting for them to start working properley, I find myself looking at the clock to see if its after 12 yet so I can have a drink to decrease my anxiety!

I can relate to that mate , i went out for the day with my wife and kids , i decided on bowling and then a meal later , basically because the bowling place has a bar , 4 pints of stella later at 3pm i was in no pain at all , had another 6 in the pub later (weak bitter) . So ashamed the next day :blush:

I usually just have 4 cans of weak bitter , ah well i,ll put it down to a slip up , why can,t i feel normal again . I had no problem eating or swallowing all day , it was such a relief ....pitty i was pissed