View Full Version : soooooo tired

17-02-11, 18:22
does anyone else fell really tired and lethargic? i used to be really fit, now i can barely move. My joints hurt, hips and knees. I spend the evening on the sofa with no energy. Been taking a tonic, vitamins, iron, been trying to eat well.

17-02-11, 19:25
Yeah Iv been exactly like that for two weeks. I didn't want to get out of bed and everything I did was such a chore and effort. Iv had loads of symptoms of anxiety but I thought feeling like that was more depression?? Anyway I decided to do something about it as it was getting me down. I started a running programme and did more exercise in general and started to feel miles better. Add to that eating well and I feel so much better.I still suffer from anxiety but I can now do a days work and still have the energy to go for a run.

Hope u start to feel better soon

17-02-11, 20:36
I've been like this for a good couple of years now, it usually ties in with my depressive moods although even when in a high mood it can still affect me but I work early shifts which doesn't help.
I've been taking Nytol to help me sleep which has helped but as for finding something to stop it I can't, eating better, exercise, vitamins and nothing seems to help.
I've been to the doctors a couple of times to no avail, they did blood tests for anemia etc but they were all negative but it might be worth getting checked out to see if it could be something like? My doc just said it was the shift work but now I know I'm bipolar it makes more sense.
It's a pain I know, I slept 5 hours this afternoon (only got 3 hours before work last night) yet now I could easily go back to bed although my mood is low.

I'd definitely see a doctor just incase it is something like anemia and whatever else they test for for tiredness, I've forgotton it was that long ago!
Hope you feel better soon anyway :)

18-02-11, 11:37
yes I thought it might be aneamia, or maybe my thyroid because im very skinny. I keep thinking maybe im just run down and didnt want to bother a gp. i want to do excercise but it makes me so tired, i cant run because i have bad knees from dancing. i did go to yoga last night, but i couldn't relax my overactive mind properly!

18-02-11, 11:40
Might be worth getting blood tests done just in case Sarah x

18-02-11, 12:05
Yes definitely see a doctor and get blood tests. You reminded me that yes underactive thyroid was one of the other and the other something to do with low B vitamin something or other!

I find sometimes just thinking about being sleepy all the time makes it worse!