View Full Version : Why is night time the worst!

17-02-11, 20:15
Am I the only one that really has anxiety worse in the evenings/night time
I have been off work poorly for a couple of days firstly with sickness and tummy problems which has since turned into a cold, nothing more than that during the day but come night time it just escalates and i have allsorts wrong with me, pneumonia, ha, stroke you name it i think i have it
This is madness, I know I am being totally irrational and wish i knew how to stop this. I am fed up with taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back
I have 1 person that knows how i really feel but cant keep hassling them
and all i do on here is moan ....
I havent been on any meds for a few months and have weeks where i am fine and then back to square one.
Why do I worry more of an evening and during the night?

17-02-11, 20:50
Everything is much worse at night - are you alone in the evening and during the night??? Is this the time where you have much less distraction from your worries??? Is it that you are thinking there is not Dr available after certain time or during weekends - this used to be my fear and hated going on holiday because I was away from the comfort of knowing a Dr is there if necessary. You may not even realise your subconscious is thinking like this.

I also find that I seesaw with weeks on end where I think I am getting much better but then along comes another symptom and wham staight back to square one.

17-02-11, 21:19
hi night time and evening are worse do me too. i can go all day feeling amazing like today and yesterday gets to about 5/6 and that's me and if i don't distract my self or ignore my thoughts then it gets worse and worse. if i wake in the night i have to force my self back to sleep cos i get anxiou. x

i put it down to tiredness i don't like feeling tired. also your mind is tired so i think its hard to fight the anxiety. that and the lonlenes we associate night times with. when its not really. x you can always reach te samaritans in the part they have given me great comfort when i have woke anxious and just needing a friendly voice. and someone to cry to libt you ill never meet or speak to x

17-02-11, 21:51
Hello Mel - I am SO GLAD I read this post - check out the huge post I just made in the introductions bit...

I too get really bad during the evening - in the daytime I actually feel fine once I've gotten ready and am busy... Like the other poster said, I think it's definitely related to there being less distractions from your thoughts, and for me I'm always aware that the health centre is closed and there's no doctor available! Like you say it is completely irrational, but rationale generally just goes out the window with anxiety. I had flu over Christmas and I absolutely convinced myself that I had pneumonia...

Aah the joys.

17-02-11, 22:19
Hello there,

I know exactly how you feel, sometimes l think the more time you spend on your own the worse these thoughts become. At the moment l am recovering from a ruptured achilles tendon and am plastered up to the knee, therefore encouragine negative thoughts to emerge. I am feeling that my breathing is not normal and am imagining the worst. I know this is not healthy but l cannot help it, sometimes you feel no one understands how you are feeling. If l can be of any help please feel free to contact me.

17-02-11, 22:34
Hi all,

i always feel worse at night, my counsellor says its residual anxiety that hassn't been used up during the day, not that it makes me feel any better to know this lol

i get the feeling of not breathing properly or my throat either closing up or feeling like there's a hair stuck in my throat, i hate having this at night time because i live alone with my 20 month old son and i worry not only about my health but about what would happen to my son if anythin happened to me during the night.

18-02-11, 20:53
SNAP - I hate the night times. For me I get worse as soon as it gets dark and I despise this time of year too - bring on April and some longer days with a little warmth :)

It all builds up with me throughout the day and then, when I'm feeling really bad, I find the nights unbearable. At times I've worried about going to sleep and not waking up.

Hope you are feeling better - coming on here at night really helps too :hugs:

18-02-11, 21:59
I also get it bad at night sometimes im awake till 5 in the morning and im alone!! Its really scarey but it comforts me to know that if i really really need to i will call an amberlance but i never get that far thankfully!! Then after i feel like that at night i feel rubbish all day the next day and then when it comes to the evening again because ive had a bad one the night before i think im gonna have another and get all anxious again!! there are herbel tablets and drops that you can take at night to help you relax have you tried anything????

19-02-11, 12:03
oh night times,hate them with a vangance!!!, when the sun gose down my anxiety gose up and i mean up, its the scary fact no one is about the same as in the day time and all closes down ,well almost, and that leaves me feeling souly alone, like im in a desert with no one around for miles and days. I somtimes try to keep awake and waite for the first sighns of light to appear, my hubby says id never get a job as a vampire,for all its not funny really it dose make me smile when he says that,but yes my anxiety is at its worse at night, i hate it.

19-02-11, 22:37
AM THE SAME TOOOOOOOOO!! Even though I have a fantastic husband who tells me to wake him , I never do and suffer on my own. Usually bedtime is the worst as in the quietness I start thinking of things and aches and pains then I go into panic mode!Most of my panic attacks happen at night and my 'symtoms' get worse too! You are so not alone hun. During the day we have distractions and people to talk to and its light so we feel better but at night we don't have these so we hav more times to think. Its very common xxx