View Full Version : PLEASE help, can't cope anymore, in danger of turning to valium

17-02-11, 21:46
Hi all, and thank you for reading this, please help if you can, don't want to sound pathetic but i've reached the point where I literally cannot face another day like this, but tomorrow will come as it does for all of us...
My anxiety levels have spiralled out of control, every night i sit here and think, right, tomorrow i have to cope no matter what, then fall to bits.
Not sleeping, adrenaline rushes keeping me awake and frustrated all night - when i get up in the morning i'm already having a panic attack - destroys my resolve before i even get started.... it eases slightly at times during the day, but only slightly, then winds up again ALL DAY severe nausea, heart racing like its thumping out of my chest, feeling faint - I know these symptoms wont kill me, i know what they are "just adrenaline" but i CANNOT cope with them, not all day....
Of course then there's the racing thoughts, I'm winding myself up more i know, thinking there's no way out, i'm desperate - I've had advice saying "just let it be there" - I can hold out for a while but then it overwhelms me, it's just constant.
I'm so desperate for relief - I've taken a diazepam tonight, which does calm me down thank god, but i'm getting terrified that i'm gonna start taking them regularly because I can't see another way out.
I'm not a weak person, I've overcome some huge challenges in my life, always been proud of myself and never given up, but now i'm reduced to a quivering wreck, desperately phoning hotlines and begging for help.
Can't take antidepressants due to serotonin reaction, the only option is benzos, should i take them anyway and deal with the consequences later?? God i just don't know, that can't be good. Does anybody have any coping strategies, maybe for first thing in the morning to try and head it off a bit....
A vague request I know, but any and all suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated....... thanks

17-02-11, 22:24
I took ativan, which is a benzodiazepine, for many months. Tapered off of them, and haven't had any for a few weeks, though I can take them if necessary. I had trouble with the SSRI's, so did not take them. The benzodiazepines do help, but they should be managed by your doctor. At low dosages, my psychiatrist said they were fine, and you can taper off of them. I was on such a low dose, that the psychiatrist said I couldn't be addicted to them. But, they are hard emotionally to get off of them, but after a few days, it didn't bother me. I will take one if I need to.
Are you getting counseling?

cathy s
17-02-11, 22:25
Hi there
Okay all I can go on is my own experience. I am on citalopram at the moment but the very first time I had a bout of anxiety I got through without. What I did when I woke in the night with anxiety was get up strait away and put the tv on or walked around a bit till I calmed down. In the day I went to work which took my mind off it a bit and when I got home I would rest as much as possible and watch crap tv again! Things I did while going on the meds which was difficult were; 10 min walks 2 or 3 times a day - this really helped actually, I went plugged into my radio. I had a wordsearch and so-duko to hand with the TV or radio on and spent as much time with other people as I could. I found relxation techniques really helpfull but had to persevere with them everyday for a few days before they had a good effect. I spoke to family and friends on the phone alot to take my mind off myself. I did any simple activity I could. I also wrote in a diary anything I did or thought that was positive, this helped me remember that the day wasn't all bad, and I could see my progress to feeling better.
Have you seen the Symptoms article on this site, that's really good. Basically I try to remember that it's all about resting your nervous system.
As for the meds you are taking, I think if you are holding out as much as possible and only taking them when you can't take it anymore, well I can't see anyting wrong with that.
Haven't the docs given you any advice to raise your seretonin levels or anything? Have they just left you with no help at all?

I wish you well.

17-02-11, 22:34

Until very recently I was on the verge of suicide as my anxiety and sleeplessness was getting unbearable. I have been unable to tolerate newer types of antidepressants, but then my psychiatrist put me on Trimipramine (Surmontil) which is a very old type of trycyclic a/d. Since then I have had much lower anxiety levels and better/longer sleep.
Most doctors will be reluctant to prescribe benzos for anything but a short time so I would query whether there is an a/d which will suit you. I had 4 others prescribed before I settled on the Surmontil.