View Full Version : spasms and internal tremors are ruining me

17-02-11, 22:01
has anyone experienced spasms as a result of their anxiety. for me its a sure sign that i have ms. i am so convinced.

i also suffer from kind of tremoring inside and this is contributing to my fears and my parkinsons fears. these are just a few of my wide range of symptoms that lead me to believe i have health conditions.

please help me with some advice if you can. im finding this difficult to cope with.

18-02-11, 00:01
Hi I too used to get these tremours, and if I panic about anything I would shake on the outside too, I felt like I was shivering inside out but not cold I was sweating, couldn't eat, basically couldn't function, try and work with them and make them worse when you get them you simply can't make them worse, breath deeply and try and read a book however hard that may feel, colour a picture all sounds daft but it helps, keep your chin up and stay busy:hugs:

18-02-11, 00:24
Gee Wiz guys you are explaining some of my symptoms exactly. I too have been worried about health conditions such as MS and others which I'll not go into. I guess we just have to realise and believe we have anxiety and nothing else which is very difficult but probably the first necessary step we need to take to cope with and recover from where we are at the moment. Take Care, Chins Up and we'll all get through this nightmare. :D

18-02-11, 00:27
Dear worried girl. I get those too, quite a lot actually. I mainly notice them when I lay to go to sleep. I know it's not nice but I do think it is a part of anxiety. I understand your MS fears as that was my fear for a long time. I drove myself mad, and still have my moments.
Try not to worry, try to relax, do something you enjoy. If your symptoms subside you will know that it is just anxiety.
I feel for you honest as I know how it feels but try not to let horrible health anxiety ruin your days.
Take care

18-02-11, 00:34
Is it constant? Does it go away then come back?

If it goes away then it is not MS or parkinson's or anything else - it is anxiety.