View Full Version : Bladder, Kidney worries

17-02-11, 22:11
I have been driving my self mad this past week. I keep suspecting that I may have an infection, so I have been peeing in a cup everytime I pee to inspect it. I always have these little white bits floating around, amking my pee a bit cloudy. It does not sting and i am not running a temp, but i am still freaking out, because my fiance almost died of Septic Shock a few years ago from an untreeated kidney infection. Now my back hurts and i am convinced it's my kidneys, even though I know it's my mind.

I am debating wheather or not to make a doc appointment, because I have no insurance and my unemployment runs out next month. :weep:

17-02-11, 22:24
Was it you who posted about bits in urine a few weeks ago??? Maybe someone else but I always always have had bits in my urine like white bits of skin floating around and its nothing. I have had it sent away for tests numerous times looking for infection and always completely normal- some people shed these cells lining the urinary tract more than others.

If you don't have any symptoms of a uti then you can completely ignore these bits - time to worry is if your urine goes brown and cloudy or orange and cloudy as this indicated low levels of blood.

Have you told your Dr about your concerns about the bits in urine??? Dr can explain better than me that they dont' always mean anything.

17-02-11, 22:40
Yeah, that was me. The worry went away, but is back now lol. I havent talked to my doc yet because I don't have the money to go see her.

18-02-11, 22:22
Sorry Jess didn't realise you were in the USA until I looked at your flag - this must be a real problem not being able to just go to the Drs whenever you want like we can in UK and get reassurance.

YOu can buy a home test kit for urine infections - its not perfect as for someone like me with leaky but perfectly functioning kidneys it would give false results as I leak small amounts of blood protein and cells all the time but it may be a cheap way of testing for an infection????

All I can say is that same again that with no other symptoms it unlikely to be an infection and loads of us on here have the same thing.

What do you do if you are really ill???

18-02-11, 22:33
hi, i have bladder infection at the moment and i can tell you you would know, it hurts when i wee and stings and ive had a bit of blood in my urine my doctor is giving me antibotics monday if drinking water doesnt clear it by then, also ive pressure feeling like needing to wee... how did your partners go untected did he not have syptoms/pain??? and if so how come it was untreated?? if it was left then it wouldnt be good, but you really would have some kind of symptoms if you had it? also i always have little its white floating in the toliet after ive been to wee, ive always thought it was bits of toliet paper from the wee before... but i had that always before wee infection, nothing to do with it... hope this helps some, please dont worry as it really doesnt sound like you have a bladder infection...jo