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View Full Version : Diziness at night (lasts 2-3 seconds) head falling kind of feeling

18-02-11, 04:12
Hello all

for the past few days i have been getting these dizzy spells that last only 2-3 seconds. It usually happens when im sitting and i just feel like my head looses its balance and my head kind of empties out, if that makes any sense! i think this is worse when im staring at something, like TV, my laptop or my textbook. I'm very scared since i have had brain tumor fear for the past few weeks. I did get a CT scan which came back normal (but it was non-contrasted)
I also get headaches in the morning (ALMOST everyday) that usually go away after i wake up but sometimes it lasts all day. I was almost getting over the fear since the headache is not present every single day and with brain tumor the pain is there everyday and it gets worse and worse over time.

Anyone else with similar dizziness symptoms?

18-02-11, 16:25
I have had something similar I think. It's usually in the evening when I'm tired & I get these very brief kind of swimmy sensations in my head, not exactly a dizzy feeling almost like my brain is slipping inside my head! I first had it after I had a cold so thought it was that but I'm putting it down to anxiety & fatigue at the moment. It may be just one of those things that the more you focus on it the worse it gets. Brain tumour is always a worry when we get headaches & dizziness but try not to worry, they are still very rare.

18-02-11, 16:56

Brain tumours are very very rare and headaches are not usually an initial symptom of a tumour. However, the symptoms you describe could be caused by low blood sugar because you haven't eaten for a while or mild dehydration because you are not drinking sufficient fluids. Both conditions are harmless, if unpleasant, but you should remedy them by having a light meal. Don't go for high sugar foods and/or drinks as this will only make matters worse.

Take care


18-02-11, 19:49

I have had these feelings for years now. I was told its the anxiety.

Lots of people have experienced similar on here

mandie x