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View Full Version : Symptoms Inhibiting me At Work

01-04-06, 23:01
In my job I frequently attend meetings. In my line of work (dont know if this is normal) its the people who speak up (sometimes bull****) who are held in high esteem. When my anxiety levels are high (always at meetings) I become very internalised, nausiated, feel sick (vomity), and when I finally open my mouth I literally loose my trail of thought and forget what Im saying sometimes. Its quite comical when you think about it! -

Boss - "What do you think about the new strategy Paul?"

Me- deepbreath, massive nausia, all heads turn and face me, feel sick, open my mouth and say "errrmm, yeps sound ok to me!" hoping that will do and that people just think Im quiet.

It even happens on teleconferences. I have started writing things down! I must be the only one that sounds like he is reading a story book to his colleagues. Anxiety is frustrating and incredibly powerful I do remain faithful in the power of the mind and have had some truely amazing experiences with breathing techniques.

Can anybody relate to this or offer their insights into ways of combating these embarassing situations?

Many thanks to all for reading and any feedback. This is a good place [^]


16-04-06, 21:59
Yeah Paul
Your experiences really relate to my own. I would feel exactly the same in those kind of situations, except as well as your symtoms I would start to tremble, feel light headed and blush. It seems to be getting worse with time as well for me. I am unsure what to do next as I've tried medication and psychologist for a short time. But,whatever you feel like know that their are people who feel exactly the same as you although this may not make you feel any better at the time.