View Full Version : A bit disappointed

18-02-11, 06:38
Kinda feel like i let myself down a bit yesterday. Woke up no different to any other day and had a good nights sleep. But felt anxious right from the get go. Couldn't shake it and let it get the better of me when i was driving to work so had to ring my partner to talk to while i was driving (on handsfree!) to keep me calmer. We always do a pub quiz on a thursday with 2 other friends at the pub which is literally across the road. But last night i just couldn't get past the anxiety and nearly burst out crying when leaving the house because i didn't wanna go that badly! My legs felt like dead weights to walk across the road and just had all kinds of anxious feelings and thoughts. I'd like to say they all disappeared once we got there but they didn't. While they did ease at some parts during the night, they were still in the background and i feel bad that i must have been the crappest company ever. On top of this i always get this swallowing problem when out, i think its when i get too hot where even when i dont have anything in my mouth i feel like theres something at the back of my throat i need to swallow, but then i find i can't swallow and i get an instant feeling that i can't breath and go lightheaded and panic. Wondered if anyone else gets this? Sorry for the long post but just needed to get this out. Off i go to work again now! Hopefully a better day than yesterday, am feeling less anxious at the moment. Dr has started me on propranalol which i am starting taking tonight.

Jen x

18-02-11, 10:01
Hi Jen

Everyone has bad days remember, even those without anxiety. The main thing is, you kept going and it didn't stop you doing anything - you should be really pleased with yourself for that! Also, try not to let it affect today - there's no reason why you'll feel bad again, it's a fresh day and a fresh start.

Hope today is better :)


18-02-11, 10:04
i agree with Lizzie, every one has bad days, and although you felt like crap I bet nobody else even noticed... you kept going and pushed through it, so don't be disappointed - I bet there has been times where instead of pushing you would have turned around and gone back inside! So be pleased with yourself - and like Lizzie says, today is a new day to keep building those blocks


18-02-11, 11:18
Im having one of those days, well done you for going out!

I Know how hard it is when feeling anxious to be brave and go out.

18-02-11, 14:25
Heyy guys thanks for your kind words. Had a better day today than yesterday. Despite the setback yesterday I still feel like I've made some progress this week! I'm on holiday from work for 9 days so that may be a reason I feel brighter today haha. Will give me a rest and a chance to work on going out more!
Jenmac I'm sorry to hear you're going through one of those days, I hope it starts to improve for you :winks:

19-02-11, 10:20
Well done for making progress!xx Hope you have a lovely break. It is hard when you have a bad day but it is just that, a bad day, every day is a fresh start! xx

19-02-11, 10:57
Well done for pushing through your bad day. Glad you felt better yesterday. How is the propranolol going?

19-02-11, 12:09
Thanks guys. Buster i haven't started the propranalol yet. I know it will probably help but i just get so worried about taking medication that i can't bring myself to start it! I get worried about side effects etc. I do want to start it this week while i'm off work so i have time to adjust to it before going back to work, its just taking that first step

19-02-11, 12:33
Thanks guys. Buster i haven't started the propranalol yet. I know it will probably help but i just get so worried about taking medication that i can't bring myself to start it! I get worried about side effects etc. I do want to start it this week while i'm off work so i have time to adjust to it before going back to work, its just taking that first step

I was exactly the same. I found by sat starring at the pills only added to my anxiety I went to asda and bought a pill cutter for a £1 and strted by taking half a pill. What dosage did he give you?

19-02-11, 13:11
dosage is 40mg. Other thing he is prescribed me the tablets but i really struggle swallowing meds. I have an oral solution in the cupboard of it that the Dr prescribed me the last time i went and i never took any of it because i was too scared to. Its the same dosage so wondering if i use that one instead.

19-02-11, 13:22
hey Gun,

just wanted to say you didnt let yourself down at all . Had you sat down and given into it maybey, but you didnt you soldiered on and thats something to be really proud of !!! well done you :)

Im also on propranolol neva had any side effects and it did wonders for me. the good thing about meds is if they dnt work you can stop so i guess what im trying to say is i know its scary but always worth trying !

good luck and enjoy your hols :)