View Full Version : my self esteem is at an all time low ;-(

18-02-11, 10:26
I had an operation on 31st Jan and was only expected to be house bound for 2 weeks and back at work in 4 but its turned out I'm housebound for 7 weeks and back at work in 8 if all goes well.

I'm staying at my Mums who has gone away on holiday for two weeks so I'm alone all day and all night. I havnt seen my bf for 5 days (I am due to move in with him next Sunday) and I am starting to fret and panic that he doesnt love me anymore and doesnt miss me.

Im sat waiting for hours for text replies, and if he doesnt ring me I cry and shake. I'm telling myself he isnt making the upmost effort to look after although he works full time, lives 10 miles away and has his Daughter most nights.... so I know he's restricted but he could at least call me.:weep::weep::weep:

Ive even resorted to pushing myself to putting nice lingery on and send him pics via sms to keep him interested, this was at 9am this morning!!! He still hasnt replied and I am just sat here having panic attacks.

Im waiting to have CBT, my assessment is on 7th March, I suffer from sevee anxiety and depression follows, I am not on medication.

Please tell me things are OK and its just my warped way of thinking thats making me like this.