View Full Version : HELP - Sudden pain in heart area

18-02-11, 11:49
i was sitting on the sofa 10 minutes ago and suddenly got a really dull pain in the left of my chest (right hand side of left breast) which lasted about 20 seconds and now feels really dull and achy but not as sharp but still there with occasional shoulder stabbing on left as if someone is standing on my shoulder ( i do slouch over pc about 6 hours a day)

I wasnt panicing or anything just checking emails - also have upper toothache and only slept for 5 hours.

Meds i am on are kalms, 2mg diazapem, 10mg amitryptline, 500mg ibroprofen, nexium for indigestion, ovysmen contraceptive pill and folic acid

Checked BP straight away and it was 151/92 and 148/88

Is this anxiety - i know i ask lots about my heart but im so scared as my friend had heart attack at 40 and they sffered panic attacks

18-02-11, 12:19
still not feeling any better and have got heat pack on it now and lyng on the bed :(

please someone help/advise as i am home on my own in a foreign country and the doctor near us doesnt speak english

macc noodle
18-02-11, 18:07
Hi Leiajulie

I think you posted something similar around Christmas time (just after I think?) and at the time you had a virus.

Honey, I have had very similar last couple of days and I KNOW it is my ANXIETY! (or is it the little voice in my head always says ...........)

I am pretty confident that yours is the same - what clinched it for me was the stabbing in the shoulder (I have it too). The more I worry about my chest pain the worse it becomes and in no time at all I can have pins and needles in my feet and arms (over breathing ....), feeling nauseous and convinced I am dying. Haven't done so yet (ha ha) but I am sure one day we all will!

It is not common for young people to have heart attacks, it is rare and you need to bear that in mind.

Hope you feeling better now (noticed you posted quite a while ago)?

If you still worried, bite the bullett, and see one of the docs out there - is there not a local medical centre with an english speaking doc?

Take care



18-02-11, 18:13
thanks Jan

Still feeling awful, not done much at all all day except bring washing in as now i have chin and jaw pain but BP is 138/88 now and pulse 68. This is what worries me as with anxiety would my pulse not race really fast

I dont have bad pins and needles (YET lol) but im sure i will. I also have stomach ache but have eaten today and not feeling nauseous, did feelvery dizzy yesterday as if the ground was moving

18-02-11, 18:14
hi i too get ache in my chest area.
you don't have to be anxious to feel a ache or pain its how we react to it tut matters.
i would say its more than likely to be anxiety. thedbtit went away is a good sign

macc noodle
18-02-11, 18:20
No sweetie - when I was at my worst I used to pray for my pulse to get to 70bpm!! I used to average 58-60 which is lower than yours! Blood pressure is fine too (stop taking it now you don't need to)

Chin and Jaw aches -muscular tension from anxiety I would guess.

Stomach ache - anxiety driven

Dizzy yesterday - again anxiety I am sure.

When did you last have a check up at docs? I bet you were fine?

I know it is easier said than done but you need to try and distract yourself a bit away from how you feel - have you not got a trashy novel or magazine you can indulge yourself in with a great big mug of hot choccy???



18-02-11, 18:28
i saw the dr in september before i came to spain - had ecg's, etc and all normal bloods for thyroid normal too