View Full Version : exercise induced asthma?

18-02-11, 14:00
So I was watching mystery ER, and there was this thing on about a bloke with burning chest pains mainly after exercising.
It reminded me of when I was younger and in school and being made to do cross country running and that I used to get really out of breath, wheeze and get a burning sharp pain, sort of at the very bottom of my throat.
I was made to carry on and I always assumed I was unfit, which I'll be honest, I am.
But like I said I was watching this and thought, hmm I'll google it, see if it's normal and came across this exercise induced asthma, and the symptoms fit.

I've never been told I have any kind of asthma because nothing triggers anything except exercise, which I now don't do because as well as being unfit I can't stand the awful panting for breath feeling and sore chest.

Do you think this is something I should ask my doctor about? It's got me worried :wacko:

Also, yes, I know. I shouldn't google things :whistles:

18-02-11, 14:13
Hi Lizzie, yes I would ask your Doctor about it. They may get you to do a test, where they make you do a spirometry to test your lung capacity, then do 10 minutes of exercise and re-do the test. Lots of people cope and exercise with this type of asthma when it is properly regulated, you usually just take an inhaler before exertion. Do you find this symptom comes on at any other times, walkin up stairs etc?

I know this cause I have an ongoing cough for over a year and one of my consultants has just suggested it may be exertional asthma which does not show up on traditional asthmatic tests. xx

18-02-11, 15:48
If I'm honest I've never really thought about it, I guess I do though yes. At work from the ground floor to the floor our rest room is on it's 3 floors up, I find myself really out of breath when I get up. Even just from the ground to the main floor, 2 up, I'm shattered, it does it to everyone though, but maybe I am affected more, I'm not sure.

I think I will mention it, if I can get it to stop I may even do more exercise, and I'm sure my doctor would be happy about that!