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View Full Version : Depersonalisation

18-02-11, 14:53
Hi all

I'm fairly new to this site and have posted an introduction. I'm looking for any advice or others stories re the above. I have this all day and did not know what it was until I researched it. It's soooooo scary, I feel like I'm no longer me its as if I'm watching myself carry out day to day stuff and feel like my body's detached (Particularly my arms and legs). I'm also experiencing almost a hightened sense of awareness of things around me and at points worry that I'm hallucinating and have some awful condition. Interacting with people is also very strange as if my mindset has changed and it feels like i'm putting on a performance of the old me? I too have constant sensations in my arms and legs and have felt I'm going to collapse both at home and when out, almost like jelly legs. Can anyone relate to this and if so I'd be interested in hearing your stories. Thanks for listening. Andrew :wacko:

18-02-11, 15:21
hi hunni i have this to everyday allday for 7 months its so awfull ....i cant be much help sorry iam still trying to find a way out myself ..but i know how u feel and i will be here if u need to talk ..have u been to doc for it yet ..mine is so bad i cant leave the house cause life seems fake to me and i dont know myself anymore....its sceary ...pm me if u wanna talk hun

18-02-11, 15:39
Hi Jess

Thanks for responding, I'm sorry you're also going through the same hope your ok. I went to the docs after what he tells me was my first ever panic attack mid December. Ever since I've been like this with all sorts of horrible symptoms however for me I think depersonalisation is def one of the worst. I've been on Citalopram, Propranolol and Diazepam (as and when required) ever since. How are you coping with this? I too have an urge to stay at home all the time however keep pushing myself to go out however its always a horrible experience and always just as hard to do it again. Are you on meds to help with this? Hope your ok. Andrew :hugs: