View Full Version : Anxiety is with me all the time......so many symptoms.......

18-02-11, 15:29
Hi All. I have been having problems with HA again for a couple of weeks I am not really sure what has sparked it off again but I have a 9 year old son who has Autism and he is having some problems with his self asteem I am so worried about him my husband and I have had some problems also.........I have been getting a lot of what I hope is muscle tension in my back chest just under my neck shoulders and back of my neck I also get blocked ears headaches mild panic attacks and I am tired all the time I also have this weird like inner vibration mainly on the left side of my body I do have ibs could it be that? My back is my main worry hurts when I bend forward side to side backwards everywhere basically but it does ease with a massage would that confirm it is muscular? I am worried about my heart I had blood tests about a year ago all normal could I have something bad? Thanks for reading this would be grateful for any help

18-02-11, 19:46

Your back does sound like a muscular thing. I get it bad in my upper back and chest when im anxious which is most of the time lol

I have ibs to and i do get some funny feelings like flutterings at the side of my body and around my stomach.

If you are having panic attacks the back pain does sound like its tension. Of course im no doctor lol

mandie x

19-02-11, 10:46
Hi Mandie

Thanks for your reply i also get it in my upper back around my shoulders and shoulder blades because i am so nervous about it it sets my ibs off so its like a vicious circle i was i could just relax a little :-( seems to be one thing after another i hope you are feeling better

Thanks :flowers:

19-02-11, 11:48

I too have a son with autism who is now 11. I too worry so much about him which does not help with my anxiety. It can be very stressful. He started secondary school this year and it has been tough but easier than I expected.

I too get alot of tension in my back by shoulder blades and alot of neck pain and IBS.

At the moment I am going through a bad episode anxiety symtoms have really taken over and I have been off work for the last 6 weeks. I have also now started anti depressants after many years of putting it off.

Hope you feel better soon I know how hard life can be xxxxxxx

20-02-11, 10:47

I have a son with aspergers he is 20. Things have settled down alot now his older. although we do still have problems with self asteem and routine. It is hard sometimes and very stressful. I think it is as frustrating for him as it is for us sometimes. The stress does make my h/a and my general anxiety worse.

hope you feel better.


20-02-11, 12:25
Obviously additional stress from other factors unfortunately will only axcerbate anxiety. however the best advice i ever had with regards to symptoms was from the book at last a life http://tinyurl.com/6de3arv, essentially stating that we should not try to look at individual symptoms, just put them all under one umbrella of anxiety, just like you would if you were suffering from a cold. You would not dwell on each individual symptom of a cold, just accept that you have one, and essentially the same thing has to be done with anxiety. Hope that makes sense.