View Full Version : Getting worse again now I'm off antidepressants...

18-02-11, 15:50
Talk about damned if I do and damned if I don't.
I stopped taking both citalopram and sertraline because they had little or no effect on my bipolar, yet they stopped me constantly worrying about health problems etc etc you know the drill.

Is there anything different out there that can help that isn't an antidepressant I could maybe ask my doctor about?

18-02-11, 15:59
Hi lizzie I'm sorry that it has worked out this way for you. From what I have read about bi-polar sufferers usually need a mood stabiliser and then and anti depressant. Some people with BP cannot tolerate anti ds at all as they tend to make matters worse. I know it is easy to feel the way that you feel and it will possibly be a mood stabiliser such as lithium that your doctors will prescribe for you? I know I can't offer anything much apart from support. There probably isn't anything in the 'medicine chest' that would be any help to you? Could you bring your doctors appointment foward? EJ