View Full Version : Went round Tesco during busy time :-)

18-02-11, 16:05
I have just been round Tesco alone which was full of kids finishing school and also adults after work. I feel proud of myself because I went round buying several items and didn't feel too anxious. The negative thoughts of what if I have a panic attack didn't seem to be there as strongly. I also went to a person served check out with a queue which I would usually avoid:yahoo:

18-02-11, 16:16
fantastic well done.
you should be very proud :)

18-02-11, 17:04
Oh well done you! I still have trouble going to person controlled checkouts and will not willingly use them. My sister drags me to them and then walks off somewhere within sight... I am learning to avoid being near the checkout with her oh dear....what was the secret you used?


18-02-11, 17:12
Way to go!!!!!! May this be one in a long string of going wherever you like whenever you like! :yahoo::yahoo:

18-02-11, 18:12
Oh well done you! I still have trouble going to person controlled checkouts and will not willingly use them. My sister drags me to them and then walks off somewhere within sight... I am learning to avoid being near the checkout with her oh dear....what was the secret you used?


I guess I just thought what is the worst that could happen? I had a few thoughts of what if I panic and have to run out the shop? What will people think/what will happen to me etc. However I am starting to learn 90 percent of my thoughts don't happen so I pushed myself forward to the queue. I actually found myself looking at what was going on around me and not looking internally for bodily sensations which is very rare for me

20-02-11, 10:56

Well done you....wierd, but in the past when i have been going through a rough time, Tescos is a store that always seems to make me feel wierd and that its closing in on me etc, voices become strange etc etc. I would feel like I wanted to dump my trolley and run, I found talking myself through it helped and then it didnt feel quite so bad. Have never dumped my trolley yet....so must do something...well it helps me anyhow!!!

Keep it up...onwards and upwards.... Jo.xx

01-03-11, 20:30
Well done, you must keep up the good work you will get there in the end, you may have setbacks just keep trying and dont be to hard on yourself.xxxx

Look to the future, try not to look back memories of what as happened before look forward, always look forward...............

San :D

macc noodle
01-03-11, 21:10
WooHoo way to go - well done you!

Onward and upward from here on in.

Fantastic work


01-03-11, 22:08
ohhh brilliant ,,as someone who struggles with shops i know how hard it can be,,be proud of yourself and keep up the hard work x