View Full Version : Not a happy chappy to say the least.

18-02-11, 17:39
Hi Everyone

Not sure how to begin really. Basically my mans sort of step niece but up on a networking site about her 1 year old daughter giving her a split lip, well 2 people clicked like button on there, one happens to be the sister(the auntie of the 1 year old) I put on there oh hugs, can't believe people like this. And the step niece who clicked like, is in such a mood with me and taken it to heart and things. Its got her mum going on about it.

Well the stepniece who is angry with me, cos of what I said. put a status up I commented, it basically said oh my sister gave my niece a creme egg cornetto and goodness what a mess. I commented, oh that is little ones for you. She deleted my comment.

The stepniece and her man are moving this weekend, so I put on the stepnieces wall oh good luck with the move hope everyone goes ok. well she deleted that comment and I wrote on her mans wall and again that was deleted. I am pretty angry not sure why. Then it has turned into worry, and anxiousness because me my man are ment to be going away next weekend with the stepnieces mum and her husband(my mans bro).

Not sure how she is going to react with me, because someone has upset her precious daughter. :weep::weep::weep: I am not going to apologies cos I have not done anything wrong.

I just don't know. I know over stupid things.


macc noodle
18-02-11, 17:49
Oh the curse of social networking sites!!

I would just be straight up with them and ask if there is a problem and that you hope that no-one has mis-interpreted your posts. Are you sure she deleted just your post about the creme egg cornetto? maybe she deleted the whole post in case she offended anyone!

If they have deleted your comments - just ask why.

Why not just give up on the social networking site in question for a few days and not make any posts to anyone and then return and see what happens?
