View Full Version : crushing beta blockers and adding them to water

18-02-11, 18:23
do you think this will be ok?

with my choking phobia I can see pills being an issue n all now

blooming heck, this is getting silly haha

18-02-11, 18:30
You can always check with a pharmacist about crushing pills. Some beta blockers that are an extended release shouldn't be crushed, others you may be able to. Always check with a pharmacist first if you have any question. Sometimes the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine would let you know if you can crush them or not.

18-02-11, 18:34
You can always check with a pharmacist about crushing pills. Some beta blockers that are an extended release shouldn't be crushed, others you may be able to. Always check with a pharmacist first if you have any question. Sometimes the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine would let you know if you can crush them or not.

thanks jo, I was mid panic attack when i picked up my prescription the other day so never thought to ask any questions

it doesn't say anything in the literature so I won't try crushing it, I'll be passing the pharmacy tomorrow so will pop in and ask them

18-02-11, 18:56
Best not to crush them until you have checked. Some pills - like beta blockers may be time released - may still be able to crush but always best to check

18-02-11, 19:00
I was told it was ok to cut my propranalol in half and take them.

18-02-11, 20:02
cheers for the advice

it is propranalol I am on so may try having them later... hiw i thin something that small is going to get stuck I do not know

someone please send me to Paul McKenna, Paul Daniels even Paul Scholes any bloke called paul with a remote amount of skill who may be able to help me :D

(sorry I can't help mucking about during some of my posts, if I don't I'll only upset myself more)

Hazel B
18-02-11, 20:22
You don't need any Pauls, just yourself and some support! I got over anxiety with meds (beta-blockers), counselling and a whole lot of effort from me: stopping smoking, gave up caffeine, changed my diet and refused to let it get the better of me. It took a few months but I'm getting there.

Please don't crush your tabs until you've checked with a pharmacist.

18-02-11, 21:32
you,ll be fine leeroy,,ive taken propanalol in the past ,,they were really good ,,id feel the panic building pop a pill,,and it was odd the first few times,,id have had all the build up and it just wouldnt happen then id worry cos where had it gone lol,,try taking your pill when someones about,,they will distract you..in the meantime make yourself a nice hot drink and watch a fave dvd,,or read a good book,,

18-02-11, 21:47
You don't need any Pauls, just yourself and some support! I got over anxiety with meds (beta-blockers), counselling and a whole lot of effort from me: stopping smoking, gave up caffeine, changed my diet and refused to let it get the better of me. It took a few months but I'm getting there.

Please don't crush your tabs until you've checked with a pharmacist.


I got over anxiety before, that time I didn't take any meds, but when I felt at my best when I commited my self to the gym, a fantastic varied healthy diet and because I was so dedicated to the gym alcohol was consumed less... so I'll be following this kinda lifestyle again once I beat this intense time I am in now

don't worry I didn't crush them I just left it for now as in on my own this evening

you,ll be fine leeroy,,ive taken propanalol in the past ,,they were really good ,,id feel the panic building pop a pill,,and it was odd the first few times,,id have had all the build up and it just wouldnt happen then id worry cos where had it gone lol,,try taking your pill when someones about,,they will distract you..in the meantime make yourself a nice hot drink and watch a fave dvd,,or read a good book,,

hey Teez, your replies are always a great help

oooh now you've given me idea, I have visions of horlicks now and theres non in the house, suppose it's an excuse to nip to the late shop

thanks both :)

18-02-11, 22:18
hi if your beta blockers are in a capsule with tiny granules it would be better to just take them hole any way you can in a piece if cake then a drink of milk, if tablets crush between two spoons take with milk on one spoon, you will be fine as your anxiety will reduce, my love to you crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-02-11, 22:34
me again.... I know it's no productive doing this, but thwere is no one to turn to tonight they're all enjoying their friday night out

a bit worried now, not taken the beta blockers but had a bit of a migrane, not surprising due to the lack of food but took some anadin extra to try and rid me of it and my chest felt a bit fluttery pretty soon after, it got a bit worse and could feel it in the middle of my chest and back, not crushin or anything just flutters.... its eased down now but keeps coming back for split seconds making me literally twist/jolt slightly as it is making me jump

18-02-11, 23:00
hi sweetheart, you have been given this medication for times like you are going through know do your best to take them, you will soon notice a difference, nothing ventured nothing gained. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-02-11, 23:31
Hi Leeroy!!

My advice is that you take the pill whole and face your fear. This is the only way you will overcome your anxiety. This sounds incredibly hard I know. But trust me. Once you do it once, twice, you will find it ALOT easier. Then before you know it, you will be swallowing pills without a thought. I have faced my fears before, and each time I did it got easier. Think about the millions of people who swallow pills. Do you hear of millions dying by choking? Then it isn't that likely. Be brave and you will see !!!!

19-02-11, 11:37
Hi Leeroy.

I started on propranolol last week. I like you was worried this only added to my anxiety. I take a 10mg reddy coloured tablet twice a day If you can not manage this asda do a pill cutter in the pharmacy for a £1 cut it in half and take half if you feel no better take the other half. they take between 30 mins to an hour to work. And work they do. How are you today?

19-02-11, 12:00
Hi Leeroy!!

My advice is that you take the pill whole and face your fear. This is the only way you will overcome your anxiety. This sounds incredibly hard I know. But trust me. Once you do it once, twice, you will find it ALOT easier. Then before you know it, you will be swallowing pills without a thought. I have faced my fears before, and each time I did it got easier. Think about the millions of people who swallow pills. Do you hear of millions dying by choking? Then it isn't that likely. Be brave and you will see !!!!

I had a pop at this this morning and failed miserably, kept trying and trying to swallow it for well over 5 mins, in the end I gave up as the taste in my mouth and the whole episode was peeing me off.... I'll try again though

Hi Leeroy.

I started on propranolol last week. I like you was worried this only added to my anxiety. I take a 10mg reddy coloured tablet twice a day If you can not manage this asda do a pill cutter in the pharmacy for a £1 cut it in half and take half if you feel no better take the other half. they take between 30 mins to an hour to work. And work they do. How are you today?

I've been prescribed 40mg and they are a nice masculine pink :yesyes: may try halving them as you suggest

So far so good today, supposed to be going to United vs Crawley this afternoon with my sis, fingers crossed I'll be up to it... how are you Buster, got much lined up mate?

19-02-11, 12:31
I've been prescribed 40mg and they are a nice masculine pink :yesyes: may try halving them as you suggest

So far so good today, supposed to be going to United vs Crawley this afternoon with my sis, fingers crossed I'll be up to it... how are you Buster, got much lined up mate?

Get to the match. Are your tabs capsules or film coated tablets?

19-02-11, 12:43
Get to the match. Are your tabs capsules or film coated tablets?

aye aye captain! To the match it is, I go a lot it'll be odd not having a beer or two as per, but it's time to get used to not relying on alcohol to steady my nerves

as for the tablets they are just coated