View Full Version : my intro

01-04-06, 23:56
hi all loving this site hope your all well

about me
not really sure when this all started. but it came to a head a couple of months ago,i
went to docs because my chest was aching a bit and it had been for a couple of weeks.
so i went thinking he would prob just tell me to take iburofen lol. but that didnt happen
he took my blood pressure and it was 160 and he listened to my heart and it was pounding.
he sent me straight to hosp for tests which all came back fine ive had 5 ecgs altougher
witch were fast about 120 but they told me my heart was fine and it was nothing to worry about
so the doc said it was panic attack, now ive had panic attacks before and it is the worst feelin ever
but i didnt feel that bad when i went to doctors.ive felt my heart going fast loads of times but it never bothered me
i just put it down to nerves and aslong as it dint go into a full blown panic attack i wasnt bothered.
but now i worry bout it cos the doc actually sent me to hosp i no he was just doing the best thing for me really.
but being in hosp has freaked me out.this is kinda turnin into an essay now so im gonna bring it to an end lol
i probably havent made much sense cos ive tried to miss bits out so i dont go on for ever lol
oh im claire 23

02-04-06, 00:40
Hi Clare and glad you found us here!

Glad you have been checked over - a fast beating heart is sometimes a symptom of anxiety and here are some previous posts on the subject:-

Feel my heart beating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3710)
Heart - Updated (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3861)
racing heartbeat (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4789)

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-04-06, 02:07
yip I get the fast beating heart as well althou thats just started recently! have a read about the site and other peoples posts im sure you ill find a lot of help from them!

02-04-06, 03:48
Hi Claire,

Welcome to NMP. Glad you got checked out, anx can cause it, I suffer from it too.

I havent been on here for a while due to new family so hi everyone!


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

02-04-06, 07:26
Hi Claire

Dont worry hun I had ECG yesterday for the very same reason - they told me that they done this to reassure me that it was just anxiety - which of course it is.

Hope you feeling better

Love Pinky

02-04-06, 09:58
Hi Claire,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-04-06, 10:45
Hi Claire, Welcome to the site. You will get lots of help and support here and you will find that you are not alone with your symptoms. I have had the same thing for years and have had all the heart tests and seen a cardiologist and each time have been told its anxiety related and that my heart is fine. I am sure your doctor was just taking precautions just to put your mind at rest which sometimes doesn't happen I know as i still tend to worry even after the tests. Things will get better and I have learned to live with my symptoms and they do ease over time.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

02-04-06, 10:57
Welcome Claire
As you can see your not alone with the racing heart - its just anxiety. When I have ECG mine is always going too fast because I get anxious about docs and hospitals. Your doctors just looking out for you.
Love Helen

02-04-06, 11:10
Hi Claire and welcome to the forum

Take Care



02-04-06, 13:47
Hi Claire

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

May Day
02-04-06, 20:42
Hi Claire

welome to the site ... i've also had panic attacks so i know how much they can upset you ... you'll find lots of support and advice here so don't feel alone

Take care


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

02-04-06, 20:51
Hi Claire,My blood pressure was very high when i began suffering with panic attacks,i was put on beta blockers.
Then last year as my anxiety dropped so did my blood pressure.. its 105/62 ( approx) at the mo which is a BIG difference to what it used to be( 170/100) ..Its one of those things...remeber a panic attack cant kill you how ever bad you feel.Im going through a rough patch with anxiety and panics at the mo so feel free to contact me.
Take care

Fight or Flight? im going to Fight it every step of the way!

04-04-06, 19:24
thanks for your replies and help, just finding this site has made me feel better