View Full Version : Head worries again internal bleeding fear

18-02-11, 18:33
Hi on top of my head to the side there's a spot which feels like there's a bruise however I've just had a huge panic half hour and no pain from it. Occasionly I feel it and it feels a little tender but nothing to bad . I also think I can feel a lump. I did hit that bit of my head on a metal bunk bed bar about five days ago. Also when I do my hair I can make my head sore sometimes and I fiddle wig my hair a lot. Brush it a lot and take it up and down all day long. Really scared of internal bleeding.

18-02-11, 18:46
you don't have internal bleeding if you did you would not be writing or thinking or anything you would not be function at all.
i play with my hair up and down all the time and it can mate your head sore. the soft spot everyone has them. think of a baby. x i have banged my head on my kids metal bunk beds a few times. you will be fine.
stay calm breathe x
you sound like me when i first got anxiety x x

18-02-11, 19:52
Thanks every once In a while I'll feel something there. Just feeling a pain on other side of head on the top which is really hurting :( Also today I was walking in my old gym shoes with no socks on today and suddenly felt a sharp pointy pain in back of foot so I stopped and put some socks on. How ever I did a lot of walking in those shoes today and now I have two sharp pains on the back of each foot. Feels likes somethings pointing out. I spent the night in a house with wooden floorboards last night and I'm scared I've got splinters.

18-02-11, 19:56
you won't have splinter it will just be you thinking about the pain you felt early.
can i ask what you do on a evening your really need to change your thoughts and stop thinking about your body x

18-02-11, 20:16
Thanks. Evenings are usually spent in the house doing normal things like tele etc. This is when I worry the most. I'm scared to go to bed tonight incase no one is there for me

19-02-11, 10:05
I'm going go karting with friends today but I'm scared I'm going to bash my head whilst doing it:( it's meant to be fun and i just feel nervous

19-02-11, 10:22
go I've been quad bike racing etc never banged my head. you will be given a helmet any way. don't worry if you do bang yo head look at it logically one did you get knocked unconcints and need medical arrivamgad. if no don't worry.

i once was engorged exercise in the army was on looking where i was going and ran into a tree with my helmet on. the force knocked me back and sent me dizzy and sickw for ages. i was so anxious but got through it. x
that was 7years ago. when i used to worry about my head all the time. the more you worry the more you probably bang your head lol x x

19-02-11, 10:52
Thanks. I'm still fearing that I'm bleeding from the other day. Also I keep coughing randomly and I feel like I'm choking. A few weeks ago I has a random spasm in throat for a dew seconds which stopped me breathing

19-02-11, 11:03
Also have had sinus issues fir nearly two months and I'm wondering if all the mucus in my throat is blocking it. It feels trapped at the moment

19-02-11, 12:33
feel really jerky and my sinuses are hurting a lot. My doc gave me otivine spray but when I use it I can't smell anything. I can also feel things were I banged my head the other day. I'd rather spend my day in a and e rather than out!...

20-02-11, 13:43
Hi. When I went go karting i was really nervous. I cudnt get the helmet done up so I asked someoNe to do it and he was a bit rough and my head was going everywere in the helmet. I has a breakdown and cudnt get on the track. I broke down in tears. I stood on the side with my friends mum. Then I stared getting a really bad pain in one leg so i immeditly thought I had internal bleeding. I went back to my friends after and late at night I started shaking really badly and broke down in tears again in front of my friends mum. Eventually after calling my mum round I managed to calm down and decided to stay at my friends for the night. It was about one in the morning when I went to bed and I had extreme numbness in one hand. Neve had it this bad before and a tingly feeling in one foot on same side of body. I'm worried about bleeding as the pain in my leg started soon after the helmet thing. Also have a pain in upper arm and that hand still feels numb. I keepi get a wave of extreme nausea. Also had pain in one side of neck today and I jus felt something weird on my head. And the hand feels numb ish and crampy today. Also have hit my head a week ago and a few times before and last years smacked it badly in a bumper car and with a massive stone. I feel an absolute mess.

20-02-11, 17:02
Scared to be on my own because you hear those stories of people collasping days after a bang. Never have such a stiff neck like this to :(

20-02-11, 17:17
its understandable, lots of people with anxiety feel like this. Stiff neck is common, because you are so up tight your muscles are tensed, i get the same thing still.

Its important you distract your mind and try not to focus on how you feel, anxiety can make you feel very odd at times, but if you are really concerned see a doctor.

Maybe think this way, so far nothing has happened to you, you have not bleed internally or collapsed, so despite all this worry you are ok.

20-02-11, 18:03
Thanks. I hate this head fear. My head just slightly brushed aginst the car door whEn I got out a minute ago. I've never had muscle issues this bad before I hit my head. And my leg killed after I banged it. I havnt felt this anxious in a long time. I'm a heartbeat away from asking to go to a&e

20-02-11, 18:18
i know how you feel, i am having tough day, first in a while, just lots of muscle aches and feel weak but i'm trying to keep busy as unfortunately i have become accustomed to such sensations.

Just remember its anxiety, wile horrible and uncomfortable it cannot hurt us

20-02-11, 18:43
Thank you but this year I've had it hit by a book. On a metal pole and now this. Last year it was a giant stone. Hit it on the back of a bumpe car whilst driving. Smacked it on a swing pole. Hit it on a bus shelter and got it hit by a book. After yesterdays one my leg immdeilttly started hurting and I can't beleive it's just coinciddence. After all these knocks surely my head can't take anymore. My mum just screamed at me when unasked for advice. The only thing i can do is see gp tomoz but I'm scared of slipping into a coma in my sleep. I have never felt numbness like i did before yesteday. It was different to the numbness caused by anxiety. My left upper arm is also killing me now and I feel like I can't hold my upper body and head up right

20-02-11, 18:50
Our heads are tougher than you may think, my brother has survived collisions with a brick and a tennis racket. If you are concerned than the doctor is a good idea, but i don't for one minute think you will slip in to a coma, it would have happened by now if you were going too.if you had serious head injuries i think you would be throwing up and having double vision. maybe you need something to distract yourself maybe watch a comedy, helps me.

Hope you feel better soon

20-02-11, 19:36
Thanks. Eyes feel bad but I'm sure it's lack of sleep. I'm dreading bed tonight. Been having nausea feeling all day and sinus issues.

20-02-11, 19:38
Got bad Numbness in right hand at moment and pain around knee area just above knee on right leg. I don't feel in control of my body

20-02-11, 19:48
It Is my right eye that feels funny. Sore and stingy. Why are all the symptoms on one side of my body

20-02-11, 20:04
you are just thinking way too much about your body you really are. x

20-02-11, 20:17
Thanks i just feel like I'm dying. When i walk I feel of balance and I feel like I can't grab onto anything or I keep dropping things

20-02-11, 20:43
I can't even have a bath without worrying as when input my head against the bath to relax it kept twitching so i got up and got ready to get out the bath

20-02-11, 21:11
Had a pain in my right arm which scared me. It's passed now. I want. Good nights sleep but I'm scared of not waking and never seeing people I care for again

21-02-11, 09:36
did you manage to sleep last night? do you feel any better?

21-02-11, 11:49
Hi. Had a good nights sleep thanks but still feel a little shaky and out of it. I feel silly making a docs app for this after noon ( not sire whether to) I feeel like I'm wasting there time

21-02-11, 11:50
well if it helps you then its not wasting there time, if they can give you advice then its all good.

Glad to hear you slept well.

22-02-11, 11:33
Thanks. I have pain in forehead today. Yet again ive put my hair up with tout hairbands today several times and last nightbi stayed on the top bunk and my friend coughed and it jolted my head cause the bed shakes. Not sure if the forehead pain is cause of sinuses. Got achy neck today. And my eyes feel funny and I feel like I'm not even living. Got pain down my neck and up to my ears . I feel like I can't control my self and that I'm goig to collaspe from hemmorage.

22-02-11, 13:51
Also have a really achy right arm. I hate living when I can't imagine being here the next day

22-02-11, 14:09
Also feel dizzy but I never get this with Anxiety. Could my sinus issues be making me dizzy? I can see my self ending up at the hospital this evening and I really don't want to be there and waste there time:( got bad numbness in right hand and weird pains in head and the pain around thE nose again :@

22-02-11, 14:57
What time are you seeing the GP?

I wonder if you do what I sometimes do with my head - hold it really stuff as you're afraid of hurting it. I get to the stage where every time I move I feel it jolt or wobble but it's really just a heightened awareness of my head and how it's positioned. To get rid of that feeling you have to focus elsewhere - for example on the amount of cars on the road.

Yes head problems, sinus problems and all the rest of it will cause dizziness. So will anxiety.

The way you hold your muscles, your head and your neck will be affecting your arms. Could explain the dizziness too.

Try and relax - do some work for college or something.

You're fine.

When's your next counselling appt? xx

22-02-11, 17:43
Thank you. Trying to avoid the gp. ATM I'm on the sofa lying down from pain and feeling like I want to puke and dizzy and just out of it. Im scared my mum will go to work and I'll never see her again :( . I feel really bad. Don't know if it's sinus or something more serious. All afyenoon i've been putting my hair up and down to. I feel like IRS effort to hold my head up. I'm worried because after the helmet thing I got a pain in my leg starigjt away. I really don't want to be left alone tonight

22-02-11, 17:45
Oh counesing is another five weeks away as I was reffered to someone else and am having another initial app. So it'll be nearly ten weeks before it starts properly

22-02-11, 17:50
The doc did give me otrivine spary but when I took it I cud never smell any of it :( and idk if the one spray was just one spray and whether I overdosed

22-02-11, 17:58
Oh good grief ten weeks is a long time when you feel as bad as you do. Don't avoid the GP deliberately - don't run over to them at the first twinge but do see about the counselling. Ten weeks seems a long time. Remember we're here - and you're fine.

22-02-11, 18:15
Thanks got a pain under chin now. It's just never ending. Yesterday I had two coffees. A milkshake. Two smoothies things.... And a glass of fanta. Maybe I'm dehydtarted even thought today I've had three cups of squash a coffee and a smoothies. To make it even worse we had a bomb scare near were I live today and my mums working near the area till midnight :( scared for her

22-02-11, 18:29
Also the pain under chin is on the right side which is the side a the pains been on since the helmet thing. I feel unable to move in pain and want to throw up.

22-02-11, 18:49
Thanks got a pain under chin now. It's just never ending. Yesterday I had two coffees. A milkshake. Two smoothies things.... And a glass of fanta. Maybe I'm dehydtarted even thought today I've had three cups of squash a coffee and a smoothies. To make it even worse we had a bomb scare near were I live today and my mums working near the area till midnight :( scared for her

Oh we had that a few times - not nice but they usually turn out to be nothing. Besides since the scare security's bound to be so high that your mum'll be more safe than normal. Hmm, coffee and fanta and a milkshake :D they're not brilliant for anxiety love - caffeine can make you feel 1000 times worse. Try good ol' water or squash instead :) if you were dehydrated, I mean seriously dehydrated to the point of needing medical help, you'd feel awful - I was dehydrated when I was four due to gastric problems and could hardly move, doctor had to dial 999 and I spent a night on a drip I was so bad - you're fine. It's 8 glasses that they tell you to drink but I think that depends on what you're doing activity wise. Pain under chin - probably tense muscles, and clenching your teeth. You're fine :hugs:

22-02-11, 18:56
Thank you. Are achy eyes that I'm finding hard to keep open normal?

22-02-11, 18:57
The pain underneath is on one side and just got a weird feeling on right side of head. Do the physical symtpms ever go

22-02-11, 18:59
The physical Symptons wont go until you learn to accept that they are just anxiety or normal body sensations.

It will take a lot of hard work but you can do it if you try.

Good luck

22-02-11, 19:23
Thanks. Eyes feel blurry. I've feared hemmorage before and neve had these symptoms before ( pain on one side, dizziness and achy eyes/ trouble focusing)

22-02-11, 20:15
souds silly but just had a load of creamy white coloured spit comde up still got chin paimn right side n cant sleep

22-02-11, 20:18
Early night? :) will do you good to be honest! seriously though I often find it tough sleeping early, try watching a dvd for a bit or a hot milk :) .. all other symptoms sound very normal! you need to try and tackle the anxiety, google health anxiety self help x

22-02-11, 20:44
thanks was just using hairdryer and felt like it hit back of head anyway gonna try and sleep

22-02-11, 20:51
Doc has given me booklets. And do has friends mum who used to suffer ha to. Was really nice to speak to her at weekend

23-02-11, 10:43
Hi. Had a good nights sleep. Still worried about the hair dryer thing and in lots of muscle and sinus pain but I'm still alive lol

23-02-11, 16:58
I'm really scAred I'm dying. I never get dizziness with anxiety but I have it now. I feel faint and an strughling to type on phone. I woke up with horrible headache this morning. I keep feeling like I can't hold anything. My arms ache and my fingers feel funny. Ibwas eating earlier and felt like I got something stuck in chest and it hurt for ages and so did my upper back. O also got a back spasm today and the randm twisted ankle. Scared of neorological disease as I get numbness when sitting Down fir five mins. I just feel I have brain hemmorage . Random pains all over hAd and never had muscle pain this bad bEfore and I just can't functio . Keep dropping thngs and ears keep going funny. In terrified

23-02-11, 17:15
Right arm is the worst n after helmet thing right leg ached like he'll and later on has complete numb right hand never had numbness like this before and pins and needles in right foot , got that at moment to. Can't use right arm it hurts and feels funny. Not sure what happened with hair dryer last night but I swear I felt it bash the back of my head. I feel Ill and I can't see my self being alive tomoz. Y r the tingles on on one side of my body?? And the aches. Even the shoulder ache and neck ache was on one side.

23-02-11, 17:31
Hi Emma, i really feel for you as i can understand exactly how you are feeling, but please be re-assured that all of the symptoms you describe, are from the level of anxiety you are experiencing. the symptoms people get from day to day or week to week can vary it is very common for symptoms to change.
you are not suffering a brain hemorrhage, i have a 2 boys and when my oldest was younger, he fell on to a concrete floor and whacked his head, he had the hugest lump and was sick, but the doctors at the a&e were not at all concerned as he was ok in himself and was fully aware of his surroundings and happily playing the doc said to me that for a bang on the head to be a concern, it would need to have been bad enough to knock you out!!

One piece of advice i would like to give you read back over your posts, look how many times you have been afraid you will not make it through to the next day, but you have made it through to the next day. try let this reassure you that your symptoms are down to anxiety, not something serious. also look at all the things concerning you, they can't possibly all be linked as they are too varied, its because you are in an anxious state and aware of every little sensation, that most non-anxious people would not even be aware of.


23-02-11, 18:15
Thanks. My dad just told me how his been distant from me for months because he worries about me and he doesn't know how best to help me. He says when his working hebthibks about me a lot. It nearly made me cry lol I feel so over emotional. He also said Im not the SAMe girl he used to know and he just wants me to be happy about my self like i used to be. Got Eire feelings and pains oll over heAd. Only worried about head because ivde had so many bashes to it this year. Worries I have cancer because of te food getting stuck in one side of chest. Gonna book to see gp bout it in a week to rest my mind

23-02-11, 18:17
IT's silly things that worry me like I just was standing near a wall and have my hair up in a bun and the bun tapped the wall. Also just kneeled on the floor for two seconds and got pins and needles in feet- surely this is a sign of stroke :( can't wait to see a doc bout it

23-02-11, 18:19
Have you shown your dad your post? Maybe he could go through some of your fears and worries with you? It sounds like he wants to help xxx

23-02-11, 18:49
Hi. I havnt quite got the courage to talk about anything more with him at the moment. Can muscle/ sinus pain cause dizziness and a feeling like I'm wobbling all the time

23-02-11, 19:07
I just read that sinuses issues can complicate if left untreateed. I have chronic issues. Migranies, ear feelins. Facial pressure and nose pressure and pain and bad nausea leaving me bed riden sometimes. I also get temp varrying. I'm worrying now about menigitis and stuff. Had sinus issues for two months but only had dizziness with it for the first week but now the dizziness is bc. Do I go to docs to ease my mind tommorow?:S I'm scared. Also got a sore feeling on top of head at the moment.

23-02-11, 19:09
Oh got pain in teeth to which I've never had before. Got that two weeks ago. Got a dentist app next Wednesday :)

23-02-11, 19:10
YES i have anxiety and also have sinus issues, i have the dizzyness when i don't have sinus issues too, but it is worst for me when i have sinus probs. Anxiety can also cause symptoms very similar to sinus symptoms, because of the tension created in the muscles in the jaw, forehead etc. if i am going through a bad patch, i get agony in my jaw, forehead temple and eyes, x

23-02-11, 19:16

23-02-11, 19:18
Sorry. Never looked at it like that before. I only get dizzy when I have sinus issues but I don't have much pain there at mo so of course I'm panicking lol. I also hate it because even now i sat Down for two seconds and bam numbness in foot.

23-02-11, 19:24
when you sit down, try and distract yourself, with a book, or something you cqan really concerntrate on, you may find it goes, anxiety can cause the most bizarre symptoms, that can be hard to get your head round.

I remember a few years back i was having this terrible pain (terrible when you have anxiety, but i am sure the average person would hardly notice) in my side just under where the underwire of your bra goes, i was convinced i had a bllod clot on my lung, or a collapsed lung i was terrified, was sure i was breathless and it was the end of me, only to find when i was in the bath, i hard a big red spot, i just laughed at myself and instantly felt better.
It just goes to show how much anxiety can magnify things and make them seem so much worst than they are, it makes us notice things that most people wouldn't give a 2nd thought. xx