View Full Version : i think im mad!!!

18-02-11, 18:37
This is crazy but does anyone get panic/anxiety watching t.v programs its weird and hard to describe about how i feel but i feel anxious when cirtain programs are coming on and sometimes panic watching them. this aint normal!!!

18-02-11, 18:45
It is normal. I saw a programme about people watching TV and their pulse and heart rate. Amazingly, watching TV can be stressful and TV evokes emotions, even on a subtle level

18-02-11, 18:47
Kelly, there was a time awhile back when attempting to watch television or even listening to music would bring on a rash of strange thoughts and sensations that made me think that I was not having an attack but that I was actually losing my mind.

The level of sensitization that your nerves are at presently is most likely causing a bit of data overload to your nerves, triggering all those weird feelings. You are right, it isn't normal to have that severe a reaction to television programming, even though it will excite anyone a bit. As you work to desensitize your nerves so they process audio and visual input normally once more, you'll find that watching television will cause less and less of those strange feelings.

Oh, just a side thought that came to me when I read the headline for your post. When I took my concerns to my doctor about losing my sanity, he told me that the very fact that I had the concern confirmed that I was not losing my mind. He told me that more often than not people who are in fact going mad see themselves as perfectly rational while the rest of the world is going crazy. So don't let those thoughts have the power to bring on more anxiety - even though your nerves may be a little out of sync right now, you are normal and you are sane.

18-02-11, 19:11
I experienced a very bad period of this happening .Even the soundtracks set me off .Watching TV was not a pleasant experience.The computer screen saver even made me panic and I had to change it for a more peaceful image .This is all stimuli and when you are extemely anxious you will overeact to it .You need to get plenty of rest and good quality sleep .Take up relaxation and deep breathing .Do this for at least 20mins twice a day .Avoid anything that is a potential trigger ,until your nerves settle down .I even found reading and listening to the news would sometimes set me off .The most important thing to remember is all this will pass .Once your nerves are calmer .This will depend on how much you are prepared to help yourself .Eat well and drink plenty of water .Above all learn to breathe and relax you body and mind .You will soon feel back to how you should be .Take care Sue x