View Full Version : Awful chests pains

anx mum
18-02-11, 19:15
Had awful day been at a&e again with stabbing chest pains bad breathing and dizziness. Dont know how much more i can take? Still have got a huge fear of bloodclot even tho doctors have tried to reassure me think it stems from my mum dying suddendly. Hate feeling like this need to break this circle of worry

18-02-11, 19:24
only way you can do this it to believe in your self and believe its all anxiety it is the doctors have checked you over. please chick believe in your self x

18-02-11, 19:26
What did they say in A&E then?

anx mum
18-02-11, 19:34
What did they say in A&E then?

Said it could be acid reflex but when i left they gave me a panic disorder leaflet. So a little confused:wacko:

18-02-11, 19:39
it sounds like panic disorder is what they are saying you have. but that you could have had some acid refutx i don't no what that is though.
did you not see crisis team?

anx mum
18-02-11, 19:42
it sounds like panic disorder is what they are saying you have. but that you could have had some acid refutx i don't no what that is though.
did you not see crisis team?

Have a councillor who come today she tells me to do some breathing exercises and relaxion hard with kids. They repeated bloodtest for clots said it was normal had ecg.

18-02-11, 20:02
Well I said you needed to sort the breathing out and yes it could be acid reflux.

You do need to stop keep going to A&E though Bev - you know it is nothing serious really.

anx mum
18-02-11, 20:16
Well I said you needed to sort the breathing out and yes it could be acid reflux.

You do need to stop keep going to A&E though Bev - you know it is nothing serious really.

do u know anything about acid reflex

18-02-11, 20:53
Yeah a bit.

Your diet will be a big factor in it along with other things such as smoking and drinking alcohol - don't know if you do either of those?

anx mum
18-02-11, 21:09
Yeah a bit.

Your diet will be a big factor in it along with other things such as smoking and drinking alcohol - don't know if you do either of those?

My diet not so good dont smoke or drink.

18-02-11, 21:18
You could ask the GP to refer you to a dietician to sort out the foods you cannot eat.

What sorts of things do you eat on a daily basis

anx mum
18-02-11, 21:19
You could ask the GP to refer you to a dietician to sort out the foods you cannot eat.

What sorts of things do you eat on a daily basis

The wrong things lol slighty over weight

18-02-11, 21:50
Ok well you know what you need to do then.

Make sure you eat small meals throughout the day and not huge meals at a time as well.

Things to avoid include: spicey food, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, vinegar, foods high in fat etc

Eat bland foods for a while (chicken, rice, pasta, potatoes) and see how it goes

18-02-11, 21:53
sorting your diet will certainly help with this.... greasy fatty foods play havoc in causing acid.... my dad can't eat pies or any pastry because of it. Every time he does he gets serious discomfort in the stomach, chest and throat from the rising acid

18-02-11, 22:03
I'm sorry i just think you need a bit more help chick. you have had so many tests done now. and it won't reassure you cos only you can do that.
i no i see it but i never had tests done but i used to ask so much for reassurance. since i have i have seen improvement in all my symptop i started walking every day for part couple of days and that's made a big difference with my anxiety. i posted about being tired all the time well i have had massive improvement in that too. even sat still in hospital for my little boy then went to town and to mcds with my kids today and just fighting. my husband came home after a week away and couldn't believe the difference
cos I'm trusting myself and my body. and believing in life. i give myself a kick up the bum and I'm not letting it beat me.


18-02-11, 22:05
Good post Scaredstiff

18-02-11, 22:07
i mean since i stopped asking x

19-02-11, 10:54
Hi all

I really feel for you anx mum i have been having chest issues too and there are times i so completely convince myself its my heart that if they cut me open while i was awake and showed me all is fine it wouldnt stop me worrying.......where i differ to you is i am even scared of the tests i am almost jealous sat here thinking you have had all these tests done and you know you are ok but me i think if i needed to go a&e the fright would finish me off i know everyone is different and this HA affects us all different but try and focus on the you are fine comments they said tell yourself every time you feel wobbly i know what this is i have had tests i am fine damn you HA not today i am going to have a good day today it may not work all the time and thats fine too but even if it keeps it at bay for an hour its a start i wish you so much luck remember you are fine :flowers:

anx mum
19-02-11, 11:06
thanks for your comments hun. Wish i could feel like you hun than maybe this anxiety would go

19-02-11, 11:11
thanks for your comments hun. Wish i could feel like you hun than maybe this anxiety would go

You are welcome....remember it WILL go in time try not to put too much pressure on yourself dont focus on getting rid of anxiety because you will get anxious about that just take one hour at a time and they will turn into days then weeks and eventually months it may come back also as mine has but thats ok too because we are only human and sometimes we need help try your hardest to focus on the good things you have and your test results are deffo a good thing you will be and are fine and you are not going to let HA rule you anymore

much love xx

19-02-11, 15:19
Hi Bev
Sorry to hear that you are still suffering
I suffer with acid reflux and it can be horrible
you have a burning sensation anbd also a tighness around your chest
I can sometimes be sitting and I can feel the acid moving
It also comes up into my throat
If it is acid reflux try some gaviscon from the chemist
Keep of spicy foods and fizzy drinks
Keep in there
