View Full Version : just feel defeated

18-02-11, 20:19
hello companion sufferers :blush:
I hate moaning and like us all try hard to be mindful for today and get out and do things so many take for granted ......do something kind ........be grateful

sorry but I feel defeated today by trying folks..............it sounds so self pitying as I type .but I have to find some relief from this struggle and talking helps .
I am tired and sad and tearful ...............got wedding coming up for my son .........got outfit from catalogue which is very floaty and expensive looking .
I am a bit overweight and have little money like so many of us.
It has been given the big thumb down from my daughter in law to be .
I hate going to shopping malls ...get panicky and feel even more ugly .
I know my integrity and beliefs say it doesnt matter .............but somehow I just feel so low and anxious about how I look and behave at this wedding .
I am agrophobic to a degree in that I panic if out alone . think I am making this wedding the excuse for other issues .
thanks for listening ......just writing has helped me work things out a bit
...........just tired of putting face on for the world .

18-02-11, 20:42
I'm not much help tonight but wanted to give you a :hugs:.

I'm not sure what to suggest about daughter-in law, she sounds a real charmer.

She should be more concerned with her own outfit..I'm sure you'll look lovely and after all, it's just one day out of your life. :flowers:

18-02-11, 20:54
oh thank you Ladybird .
a hug and empathy I needed .....:hugs:

feel daft now for posting amongst so many hurting and worried :blush:

but I was listened to and got a lovely reply . thank you .
meant a lot and feel better.

only connect [em forster ]

18-02-11, 22:03
I'm sure you'll look lovely. Please dont apologise for writing how you feel. If you can't do it here where can you do it. Take Care :hugs:Andrew

18-02-11, 22:03
Hi snowgoose :D

From a blokes perspective .....you go there and knock e,m dead girl , sod what the daughter inlaw said , its only her opinion , we all have different tastes in clothing . I suffer from recent health anxiety so can,t really relate to some of your post , but i can tell you this , everyone else will be to concerned in how they look themselves to be thinking / bitching about others , i,m sure you will look fantastic on the day ....enjoy !

ps ....i go the local tesco express in jogging bottoms and slippers if i feel like :roflmao:i don,t give a bugger .


18-02-11, 22:13
every one has different tastes and its the law to not like what your mother in law years is it not lol.
take no notice of her i bet you will look and feel great and that's all that matters www

18-02-11, 22:20
All this talk about daughter in laws....i have 4 sons....I think I'm going to send them to a monk house! lol....
Snowgoose....as we females know, girls can be really bitchy...so stuff her, you just worry about yourself and getting yourself better and making sure you look hot..hot..hot at that wedding!
And as Andrew said, don't apologise, we are all here for each other! To others our problems may seem trivial, but we know that even the smallest thing can set us off...and this place is great for getting it all out andmaking us feel better!
Good Luck

18-02-11, 23:42
ha ha ha :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

you lovely people have got me revved up now to go and shock them at wedding in a kaftan and sandals wafting incense to get up their snooty noses:winks:

Thank you so much for the empathy and humour all who posted .
sod them ..............[it is a wee bit of wine talking here mind ] ....and I will go with head held high and bag stuffed with rescue remedy ,water , paper bag , list of mantras and a quarter bottle of gin .

19-02-11, 00:39
Go for it Snowgoose :yesyes:. There's name for young ladies like this, I believe - Bridezilla! My friend's recently acquired daughter-in-law was a nightmare in the run-up to the wedding, totally obnoxious at times. But we still had a lovely time on the day despite her family's attempt to stop us (no alcohol for starters!) and I'm sure you will too despite her control freakery xxx

19-02-11, 13:28
This thread made me smile! so much wise advice snowgoose!

I agree with whats been said above and just wanted to offer my support. My mum always tells me that it doesnt matter what im wearing cuz when im smiling no one notices anything bar the happy face :)
and if all else fails youll have your gin lol .

best of luck on the day and as has been said previously- head held high- your dealing with so many demons just being there so give yourself some credit!!

take care