View Full Version : Deja Vu!

18-02-11, 22:53
I had a massive panic attack today :weep: not had one for a long time. Had therapy last year and been on small dose of meds.. Been coping up to now and not been on here for ages.

Recently Ive been really stressed the past few weeks, Ive been feeling really guilty for not having a job and being such a lazy cow. That coupled with family stress made me feel ill and brought up my health anxiety something bad, then bang...... I had a massive panic attack and came crashing back down to earth again.

I just feel EXACTLY like I did this time last year, its almost to the day since my anxiety all began for me! Im having such bad deja-vu its scary. I want to feel better and move on but I cant and since Ive finished therapy things have gone down hill. Im SO fed up of feeling like something really big, bad and horrid is going to happen all the time- Im tired of it now! I just want to enjoy things again (feeling more that a little sorry for myself! lol!!!) :shrug:

Any wise words of encouragement..........?

19-02-11, 05:58
Its ok to feel sorry for ourselves sometimes, I know I do! You mentioned, that yoou had therapy last year, what type of therapy did you have and can you still apply that therapy to what you're feeling now? If it helped then, know that it will help again. Chin up, we all get through it eventually, with the help of therapy, meds or whatever works for us...in the meantime, don't be to hard on yourself! Sometimes i think its our body and minds way of saying we've had enough!
Good luck and keep us posted!

19-02-11, 14:23
Was you sub consciously thinking that it was the same time last year?

I often put an anniversary on the first time i was depressed which triggered me feeling depressed again.

Don'tr worry after my little 'anniversary' i picked myself back up again and within a few days felt better.


19-02-11, 20:58
Thanks guys!

yes its probably more about my subconcious thinking about this time last year, like you Jen I tend to do that about any anniversary that I should forget rather than remember.

Today wasnt as bad as yesterday and I survived going to a meeting so Im feeling a little more positive. I guess I just have to keep working hard at beating this by doing my CBT exercises and relaxation breathing, which I hadnt been doing as much as I should have, like you suggested patsta. I also bought a few new books to read that will hopefully help me.