View Full Version : This is destroying my life

18-02-11, 23:55
I have literally just come back from a night out( early as I now do) as a result of my anxiety. i was extremely anxious about going out tonight earlier today but then I relaxed and felt happy about going out.

My friends came round to get ready and then I noticed that a muscle within my hand kept twitching on its own. With everyone around, I wasnt able to do what I usually do and go to google and check what it could be.

So here I am home 2 hours after leaving the house because I had to check what the symptom is. one of my biggest fears is MS and I am utterly convinced that I have it now as a result.

Please please offer me advice that could help me

Thank you all so much

18-02-11, 23:57
I forgot to mention that my hand is beginning to feel really stiff and i think that it is tremoring! I sont know if this is anxiety or not but im scared

18-02-11, 23:57
Ok so has it stopped now?

If so then it was probably anxiety leading up to you going out.

You can't keep googling every problem as it will only end in tears to be honest

19-02-11, 00:18
I was at work with my mate earlier this evenin and she started complaining about her hand crampin up and twitching and stuff, I've had health anxiety for nearly a year now and she doesn't suffer any from of anxiety whatsoever so it just goes to show that everyone gets these random aches, twitches and just general random stuff happening to their bodies but they don't panic about it like we do. That's exactly what I thought when she said it, I knew for a fact I'd be panicking about it if it was happening to me but she was just like "omg how annoying!" cuz she was tryna drive lol.

Google always makes things worse, seriously if you Google anything it will diagnose you with a serious illness. I read in the paper not so long ago that less than half these websites we read are actual reliable medical sources anyway! :) xx

19-02-11, 09:32
I have had muscle twiches for past 30 years and I don't have ms but I do have bad anxiety! If I get into a panic about any health symptom then I can be totally sure that within a few days I will get a muscle twitch somewhere on my body and it can be anywhere.