View Full Version : thyroid, anxiety.

19-02-11, 11:37
Hi, been here many times,now back with another worry,dose anyone have thyroid prob?,im waiting for blood results to see .my doctor asked me many questions about the symptoms im having, all of which my answers were yes, and said its very likely i have, plus i have a lump on the right side of my neck near the adams apple. what i wanted to ask, and put my mind at ease is, is it brought on by anxiety?, my gp knowing im a long term sufferer of H\A says mine probaly is, its freaked me out knowing i have yet another DEMON aillement to contend with, i also have rehmatoid so being in pain plus anxiety attacks, now this, i cant cope!!. am i going to be ok?, some one told me thyroid can be life threatening!!!,please help clear these worries,sorry to moan but im really upset and scared.

19-02-11, 12:24
Hello, I have an underactive thyroid and i'm on medication for it, as you will be too if you are found to have a thyroid conition. You are on tablets for life, rest assured they have NO side affects, as they are just replacing something your body doest have.
As far as i'm aware it's not a life threatening condition, I was diagnosed with an under active thyoid when i was 17, for some reason or another i stopped taking my medication (which you should never do) and didnt have any for about 6 years, then my new doctor put me back on it.
So if i was life threatening then in that 6 years something bad would have happened, but it didnt, i'm still here.

Although my anxiety problems are deeply set, thyroidcan cause people to have high anxiety aswel as just feeling generally unwell, so when your on the right meds you should start to feel better.

So, there is no need to worry:)

Hope this puts your mind at ease, and just ask if you want to know anything else:hugs:

19-02-11, 16:00
yup i agree with whats said above,im on year 12 of levothyroxine for underactive thyroid,,i was feeling tired and had gained 4 stone in six months,,when the dr sent me for a blood test,,it was confirmed ,,after a week of taking the tablets i felt much better not as tired,,the lump in the throat also went down and my croaky voice isnt as bad now days,,dont panic you,ll be fine,,the dr will put you on a very low dose and send you for another blood test,,ive had to have a higher dose over the years but it never bothers me,,,hope all goes well :hugs:

19-02-11, 20:04
Ex thryoid info service advisor so any questions please ask - if you have a thryoid problem either way then it is all very treatable. Underactive and you take tablets for life - overactive and usually again course of tablets ( not life long) - sometimes you will be sent for an ultrasound of your thryoid if you have a goitre (lump) to check its harmless so don't worry if they do this.

An underactive thryoid is not life threatening in the short term but when I was training we were shown pictures back at the turn of the century of what were called lunatic asylums back them and on every picture there would be a number of grossly fat women with hardly any hair and looking as if they were mentally retarded but in fact they had untreated ( as in lifetime) underactive thryoid ( in those days no treatment). It would take about 20-30 years for these women to get to this state and they genuinly thought they had severe mental retardation because they were so slow mentally and physically, eventually after more than 20-30 years their hearts would fail BUT this was over 100 years ago NOW we have tablets:yesyes::yesyes:

I have had underactive thryoid for over 20 years - my only problem even with tablets is weight problem and dry skin but thats all and boy am I glad I am alive now and not 100 years ago!

21-02-11, 11:39
thank you guys for reasuring me, i can stop worrying now, i did get a little to anxious about it, thinking all sorts!!!,, but i can relax now and stop thanks again evryone.xxxxxxxxxx

24-02-11, 22:41
I have an overactive thyroid and am on tablets (carbimazole). I have been back to hospital today and have had dose put back up and also given steroids to help with problem with eyes, which is caused by the overactive thyroid. My hubby is on thyroxine for an under active thyroid. What a pair !!! lol

25-02-11, 04:54
I just read all the posts, and phew, I can relax now to. I to am going through the exact same thing sorta, I just got a ultra sound done on my thyriod last week, waiting for the results to come in, I did get my blood work done but nothing came of that, but I know he didn't order all the tests for my thryiod, you see I took my son into the ER and the Doctor who was treating him looked at me and asked me to get my thriod checked out. I Freaked! Im glad someone else out there is going through the same thing as me though. Good Luck!! :hugs: