View Full Version : Pregnant - Dry Eyes

19-02-11, 11:46
Hi There,
I am 14 weeks pregnant and for quite a while now I have been getting eye problems. They are sore (like the muscles round them), hurt to look at the light and feel itchy and dry a lot. My nose has alwo been dry feeling inside and sometimes there is a little blood when I blow my nose. The other day I sneezed and then spat some blood out. I am really scared.

Please can anyone offer any advice? x

19-02-11, 12:48
Its very normal to have dry eyes during pregnancy because of the hormone increase. as for the looking at light and it hurting, that could be a sign or either sinus infection (which would explain the nose too) or pre eclamsia, have a word with your midwife about it forst and theyll check your blood pressure, if that is ok, pop to your gp and theyll give you something for your sinuses.

I get blocked sore sinuses all the time exspecially at winter, it makes me eyes sore, my eye brows sore and gives me headaches so its perfectly normal, nothing to worry about but get yourself checked anyway, itll put your mind at rest.

21-02-11, 16:14
Thank You for your help and advice. Its so hard not worrying about every little thing.
Take care xx