View Full Version : Wanting to exercise

19-02-11, 13:05
Hi all,

Ive suffered from awareness of the heart beat, palps and ectopics for about 7 years now.

Im constantly checking my pulse to make sure its between 70-80bpm during the day and less than 70bpm before i go to sleep. (It drives me mad)

I walk up the stairs or walk up a slight incline to the train station and I can feel my heart racing and pounding out of my chest.

So for a long time I been afraid to exercise for not wanting to get my pulse up too fast and fear it wont come back down again.

So im basically asking if anyone else has had this and what did you do to overcome it?

Can I overcome it or just accept it for what it is and not bother!

Id really like to get fit. I watched the Fighter at cinema last night & as I used to be an amateur boxer myself, Im upset I cant get myself fit and over come it.

I live constantly in fear of palpitations so generally do nothing to raise my pulse if i can help it.

Any advice would be appreciated.

19-02-11, 13:07
Palpitations are not harmful so yes you should just accept it and get exercising!

19-02-11, 14:30
Iv’e banged on about exercising on here loads of times and can’t advocate it enough. My advice is see your doctor and tell him/her you want to start an exercise programme and do you a referral letter explaining your disposition so you can take it to a gym (or boxing club or whatever). Any gym that is professionally manned (i.e not your local hotel leisure suit where you are left to your own devices) will be able to tailor you a programme to suit your and your docs pre-requisites. If in doubt ask at the gyms if they do GP referrals, known as a Par-Q. The gym I use have special sessions and for sure if I go during the day there are always loads of obviously health challenged users.

Absolutely go for it but make sure you go through the correct processes.

19-02-11, 16:30
Cheers guys. Will give it my level best!

This forum is great!

19-02-11, 17:05
I used to be afraid of exercising for the exact same reasons. I just started slow, went to the gym and did a bit, but didn't push myself at first. I gradually built up the effort each time I went back. And now I'm okay with it, I just keep telling myself that exercise is great for my heart and it makes it stronger.

I still hate when my heart races but I've learned to accept it. I sometimes get palps during after exercise too which really freaked me out at first but now I just carry on and tell myself that they're harmless. It's not easy to do, you just have to start small, a short walk up a hill and increase each time you go. I had a full blown panic attack in the gym one of the first times I went and felt like I didn't want to go back but I somehow found the strength to return. You'll be surprised how good an impact exercise has on anxiety too.

Let us know how you progress. :)

19-02-11, 20:05
I started exercising to help my anxiety and it's helped massively, I also had concerns about my pulse rate but mine was more related to previously having an eating disorder and therefore having times where my pulse was so slow! I would always worry my heart wouldn't cope with the strain of exercise. But my heart is coping ok with it. I learnt to exercise and ignore my pulse rate during it... I've learnt what's normal... I hope it's works for you!

19-02-11, 21:33
I am assuming that you have been checked over by a doctor and this is all due to anxiety.
I have the same issues. A little more than a year ago I started to have tachycardia in the 160's that the doctors have said was panic attacks. Prior to this, I used to exercise all the time. Running, hiking, mowing the lawn, shoveling. I'm 57. I have had a hard time overcoming the fear of a rapid heartbeat, and pretty much had stopped exercising. Even just to walk up a flight of stairs would get my heart pounding. I have been working on this, and can now take walks, walk on my treadmill, and do some shoveling, but all with a lot of anxiety. I am trying to increase my exercise little by little in the hopes that I can get back into shape. I know it is scary to do, but this is such a benefit for a decrease in your anxiety.

19-02-11, 22:59
its when you cant hear your heart you wanna worry!!!

push ya heart and enjoy hearing it pump pump pump!!, its a very very strong muscle!!


20-02-11, 13:02
cheers guys. I went for my first run this morning. I wnted to do 10 minutes, but managed 8mins. Im cool with that as it was my first time in over a year pretty much.

If I can get up to 20mins 3/4 times a week ill be ecstatic and thats my goal. I didnt feel too bad after and Ill just keep it going.

Hopefully it will be fine.

Thank you all.

20-02-11, 13:09
Sounds like you're doing great! Well done!

20-02-11, 19:49
That's great.
How did you control the anxious feelings with your heart beating fast? That's what I have to work through, because it reminds me of my panic.

01-03-11, 14:15
I have also posted about exercise on here before but for completely the opposite reason. I desparately want to exercise and go to the gym. I have been on sertraline 150mg daily for 2 years and have now put on 2 stone - i am 85kg and 5'10" with a BMI of 26.8. I used to be about 72kg!!!!

I had my most recent health last week and all fine (apart from high colestorol and being over weight!!!) Blood and physical examination were fine - again!

I haven't been on here in months and have no anxiety. I am happy and stressfree. Yet the physical symptoms persist - head/eye pressure, feeling washed out, shaking, muscle aches and fatigue, feeling detached liked i'm not really listening or engaged and brain fog....but the worst is still the exercise!

I have posted before than when i exercise i have no fear of a problem during it and am determined to get fit and healthy again. My problems start the next day and the days after that. All the symptoms come back and are more exagerated; they make me feel really ill and that sets of the HA again? Doctors have said i am going at it too hard too soon, but i don't believe them. My heart is fine, my medical and bloods are fine, i have had this nearly 3.5yrs and its no worse and not that much better - just there, all the time.

Can anyone help or suggest anything??? Has anyone else found exercise makes them feel worse rather than better and more so the next few days after it.....really need some help her guys....please.

Thanks so much and sorry to hijack this post a bit....:blush: