View Full Version : Chest heaviness

anx mum
19-02-11, 14:49
Since getting up this am had burning in my chest, sharp dagger pains and heaviness in chest. What on earths going on?

19-02-11, 15:08
i did too i gotup feeling same.
was scary but its just muscle tension.
i got a got bath then kept busy. don't worry.
go get a soak in bath it will ease some of it.

but you have asked before.
i think you be a lovley woman and i no its scary anxiety is
but you keep asking for reassurance on the same thing every day. x you got to look back be read some of them and you was fine last time. x

19-02-11, 15:09
Bev - we had all of this yesterday - please re-read your replies from then