View Full Version : Its been a long time but......

02-04-06, 01:28
Hey everyone, dont know if you will remeber me. Its been a while since I have been here.

Ive really just come back to say that im def getting better.

I have managed soo much in this past 6 month its unreal. Ive done things that I have never thought possible.

I suffer from panic attacks when I go out because I was scared that while I was out I was going to pass out. I managed to get an appointment to talk to somebody about this, but since it took well over 6 month to get to see her I had started to realise the best way and only way I was going to get better was to get out that, little by little and try and get myself better. Once I got the appointment she gave me some very good tips. The first one been that when im in my "fight or flight" state of mind (which im sure you will all understand that feeling well) was to let myself see how far my panic will go. She then told me that my body will calm it's self down naturally, but you dont normally feel this cause by that point I was normally back in the house and I believed the reason I was calm was cause I was home, not cause my body was doing it for its self.

I started with little steps, walking the dog the same place same time everyday. Walking him a little further and then a little more! This was with the support of my Mam who has been brilliant and walked me through every step!

I have since then built it up to the point that I have been to hospital appointments (for the dizzy spells) shopping into a half busy city centre, for a few drinks right upto friday night when I went out for a meal and enjoyed it! I wont say I was "panic free" I freaked a little when walkin into the busy pub, but managed to talk myself down and got my control.

A good friend of mine killed himself in November and I had to go to his funeral, he was 27 and I would never have lived with myself if I had not gone. I honestly believe that thats where my change began. I found the strength from inside me that day. I stood shaking outside the church (it was that busy I couldnt even get into the church never mind a seat) and worried right up till the moment I had to go. But I knew I had to be there to say goodbye and it just proves what youcan do when you really set your mind to it!

Control is the key and if I can do it then anyone can. for long enough I think I thought that there was going to be a magic cure, when your ill you take a tablet! but there isnt it takes time, courage and persistance!

Im still not back to work but I know it wont be long till im there!

Im so proud of the progress that I have managed in these past months and I know over time ill progress even further. I will prob have to deal with this for the rest of life and ive come to terms with that. Once I had thats when I started making the progress I kinda looked at it like a win win situation.

Only I could make the change and my god I have!

Please believe in yourseleves ANYTHING is possible!

im sorry if this is very long but I really wanted to thank everyone on here for the faith they gave me in the darker days at the start!

02-04-06, 06:52
Hi Leslie

I don't remember you as I am pretty new to this site but have to say that I am so pleased for you, you should be really proud of yourself hun.

Keep it up

Love Pinky

02-04-06, 10:04
Wow! What a lot progress you have made!

It was so lovely to read your update and so important to hear that it can happen.

Well done to you and lots of luck for your bright future.

Tammy x

02-04-06, 10:22
Hi Lesley,

That is great to hear how well you are doing and how positive you are, keep up the good work, you will get there.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-04-06, 11:01
Fantastic post and much needed for many at the moment.

Thanks so much for taking the time to come in and do it.

Nice one :D:D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-04-06, 13:49
Hi Lesley

Well done done with all you have achieved.

Really good to hear all your news

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

02-04-06, 14:04
Well done Lesley. you have come a long way congratulations as piglet says this sort of post is much needed at the moment. Keep it up

take care


02-04-06, 20:26
Hi Lesley

Good to hear of all your success which you have achieved by hard work and perseverence.

Well done.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-04-06, 21:50
Thanks everyone I am sooo proud of myself and I knew that I had to come back and let you all know how well I was doing

Like I said im not cured but im more in control of myself!

Please keep working towards your goals however small they may seem to others I know from experience they are huge to us! You can ALL do it if you believe you can!

02-08-11, 13:37
im bumping this back up so I can find it easily...

Lesley is me by the way from last time I was poorly and managed to over come it... I just want this somewhere so I can find it easy so I can see how well I did last time and that I can do it again!!