View Full Version : Detached .. and here again!!

19-02-11, 20:37
I just feel so detached and just dont feel right (if that makes sense) now have coughing at night only, but have a really funny taste in my mouth and no appetite..with occasional heartburn/indigestion and tummy pains,
My breasts are also sore, both of them and have checked for lumps etc. but i havent come across anything.
None of my symptoms seem to make sense, surely not all of these are caused by my stress/anxiety? Not at one time?!
And to make it worse it is now evening, and I am on my own.
Just wish I had a b/f or someone to talk to and to reassure me.
I feel like I am going mad and worried the doctor will shove me back on the happy pills!

20-02-11, 00:02
Hi Mel

I've just posted on the health section. Please be assured you are not going mad. I totally empathise with how you feel, its horrible. Please try not to worry, you're not alone. Take Care Andrew :hugs:

20-02-11, 00:15
Hi Mel, you prob coming down with a cold, its normal to have a funny taste in your mouth and anxiety stress can give you all of those symptoms, they just make you super aware of everything I'm afraid, I have been there people advise to use a mild mouth wash and brush your tongue too tummy symptoms are normal and if you have heartburn etc you do tend to get a funny taste in your mouth too. I didn't take the happy pills personal choice but two of my friends did and they only make the same recovery as i do and have had their pills dosage put up. The detatchment you feel is your bodies way of trying to rid yourself of the horrid symptoms and to give your ever searching mind a rest. Just remember this will not last forever and one day you will look back and think how pleased you are to be rid of this.:hugs: