View Full Version : Bowel cancer or just piles?

19-02-11, 21:35
Hi. I'm 16 years old and have recently been experiencing blood in my stools and a change in my bathroom habits.

Being a complete hypochondriac i've researched this and have left it to two options : Bowel cancer or piles.

Obviously 16 is a little young to be having either of these things but i'm really worried about if it is cancer and i leave it too late.

Do you think i should go see a doctor ( even though the thought of someone going near my .. area make me freeze up) or should i wait and see if sympotoms persist.

Also, what is the likely hood of it being these things i mean im not pregnant or over 65 so i'd be one of the rarer cases.

Desperate for some reassurance thankss...:)

19-02-11, 22:33
It is highly unlikely to be cancer to be honest.

Sounds more like piles or a fissure - both are easily treated.

Is it fresh red blood?

19-02-11, 22:45
Yeh fresh red.
It think fresh red is less likely to be cancer right?

19-02-11, 23:36
Yes definitely.

If you don't want to see the doctor then you could try some pile cream - something like Anusol may help.

The doctor will be able to tell you for sure though - the examination isn't that bad and will reassure you.