View Full Version : Anxiety and boredom

20-02-11, 11:05
Hi guys

I think for such a long time I've been trying to use distractions like games and such to help with my anxiety. The problem is now I'm really scared of being bored/having nothing to do! I guess I feel like if I have nothing to entertain me I'll get really anxious. This is silly though cause instead of preventing anxiety it's just creating it and making me worry everyday that I won't be able to keep distracting myself. Does anyone have any advice on how to stop this vicious circle?

20-02-11, 16:39
Yeah I do get this too, it's not easy. I am trying to find something for me to distract myself but it's not very easy thing to do, as I can do limited things. I am job hunting but that's really hard to do as there's fewer jobs out there and it's getting more and more harder to find jobs and apply to them. It's a vicious circle and it's not nice.

Do you have hobbies and interests? Why not join support groups or go back to college?

Starry xx

20-02-11, 18:32
Do you have anything you love doing that you can turn to at anytime?
Mine is baking! If I am ever at a loss of what to do I go in the kitchen and cook. Which is why my freezer is full up as I cook quite a lot!
So just find one thing...like a reserve distraction...then you won't need to worry about running out of things to distract you.:)

22-02-11, 00:32
I've been trying to use distractions like games and such to help with my anxiety. The problem is now I'm really scared of being bored/having nothing to do!

Distraction can certainly help to ease our anxious feelings but if unwittingly not used in the correct way, it can also create anxiety which is what you're finding.

If we're feeling anxious, we can tell ourselves we MUST find something to stop us thinking about our our anxious feelings but when anxiety is approached in this way by fighting and trying to find a way to resist it, it creates tension within us. This means we build the need to keep finding ways to distract ourselves to avoid our anxious feelings like walking a safe path and this then creates a fear of being forced of our path causing us to worry about having nothing to distract ourselves.

Distraction shouldn't be used as a defence wall because it only serves as barrier in an attempt to resist anxious feelings.

The key word is...MUST...as if it's essential to find something because then you're relying on it as your safety blanket. You then feel safe when distracted but insecure and frightened without anything to occupy your mind.

The way to get round this is to not be so intense about finding something to distract yourself.

When we feel anxious, sometimes you'll find the more we try to find something to stop ourselves feeling anxious, the more anxious we feel because we're trying to prevent ourselves from the feelings anxiety gives us.

Try not to fight these feelings by not making it feel imperative you find a way to block them. Feel them and let them subside on their own by taking a more relaxed approach towards finding other things to occupy your mind. If you don't find anything then say to yourself "Oh well, it doesn't matter". The anxiety will Always go on it's own anyway IF you learn to let it go by treating it like a sneeze.

The trick to stop anxiety is by starving it of attention. Whether we keep thinking of a worry or try to block feelings out, we're still giving it attention. If you can learn to try and ignore it as if it doesn't even exist, anxiety then ignores you too but you have to prove to yourself that it's safe to ignore to be free of it.:hugs:

22-02-11, 03:57
It is important to keep your mind occupied. I have just come out of a stint in hospital after boredom literally drove me mad. I ended making up things in my mind, but believing they were really happening. Very frightening when you think someone is wanting to hurt you after you have upset them, yet actually never done a thing or even seen anyone. I have them now but I know now that most things I think are real are not, and I just hope nothing is real. So I have literally driven myself mad over the years through bordom for fear of everything. Keep your mind active, it isn't much fun not being able to define reality and fantasy.
Good luck!O

22-02-11, 18:58
Thanks for the advice! I really want to try to take it more easy and not have to be constantly occupied but sometimes I do need distractions so we'll see how it goes I guess!

22-02-11, 19:11
hi pixiedust
Have you tried reading a book? If you can get ingrossed in something you like it will take your mind of the thoughts that make you anxious.phone a friend is another good idea.if your at home I know how you feel i find travelling makes me anxious so we play my favourite cds or listen to radio.all the best Holly:):roflmao:

22-02-11, 19:41
You say you want to take it easy, does this mean you are overloaded with work or other commitments?