View Full Version : Panic attacks?

20-02-11, 14:19
Hi all.

I've been using marijuana for some years now on a daily basis. About a week and a half ago i was at a friends house one evening smoking like any normal night, but for some reason i was getting paranoid and looking up brain tumour symptoms online.

After many of these symptoms seemed to fit in with how i was feeling, i started to feel overcome with fear, i started to feel really dizzy.. stood up, walked over to the window and then a loud ringing began in my ears, slowly started losing my vision and i passed out for about 20 seconds apparently. having never passed out or feinted before it was quite scary - i didn't know what i was experiencing.

So, about a week ago, it was about 5am i was still up sat with my friend, smoking cannabis. Out of nowhere, i began to feel dizzy, scared, and just started shaking uncontrollably. this lasted for about an hour, when I got my dad to pick me up and he insisted on taking me to hospital.

After a couple hours waiting, they took a blood test and told me i had abnormally high white blood cell count. I was sent thru for a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia ect. They but me on a drip to re-hydrate me but after seeing a few different doctors couldn't work out what was wrong with me.

They said it was probably a viral infection, and sent me home that day and although i felt horrible that night, slowly got better over the next couple of days. I stopped smoking cannabis as i thought it's probably what caused the panic attack, but yesterday i had another one. i was sat at home alone on the pc, out of nowhere was overcome with fear that there was something wrong with me - felt dizzy, shaking like mad and so on. After a hard time getting to sleep, I woke up around 6am, still scared, shaking etc.

Now today, i felt ok physically when i woke up. but keep telling myself there is something wrong with me, and all day i have felt like i'm going to have another attack. it's horrible!

I will go to the doctors tomorrow and ask for another blood test, and perhaps some anti-depressants or some treatment for my anxiety.

What im hoping for is some advice on how to deal with how i'm feeling. And also, is there any way that my panic attacks (at least i'm assuming they are) could have caused me to have a high white blood cell count? as this is only adding to my fear that there is something wrong with me.

Sorry for the essay... but damn it feels good to get this off my chest.


20-02-11, 22:37
My son went through this some years ago after smoking the stuff for a number of years, he started when he was about 14.
When he was 18 he had this like you and it went on for a while he kept taking himself to a and e thinking he was dyeing.
He stopped smoking it but it did take a few weeks before he started to feel better.
Not sure where the high white blood count fits in.

20-02-11, 22:45
I'm sure that I have read that marijuana and anxiety/depression go hand in hand!
I know that a couple of times that I tried it many years ago...it never relaxed me or made me feel mellow...it had the opposite effect and I got quite panicy, racing heart etc... Swore off it...never had it since...
As for the high white blood count....ask the doctor again...get him to explain to you what it could mean....and get them to do another test...its probably nothing, but its enough to fuel your anxiety!
Good Luck....meds work great, but just know that you will feel worse for the first few weeks....increased anxiety, headaches, fuzzy head, tiredness...all side effects until your body gets used to it!

20-02-11, 23:43
Oh yes illegal drugs and anxiety go hand in hand and are a bad combination.

If you are lucky things will calm down once you stop it.

21-02-11, 00:24
ive been in exactly the same possition as you relying on cannibis and only socalised with people that smoke it! i have had the same effects as you paranoia dizzy, ringing in my ears, pains in my heart, ect. cannabis is not the way forward m8 i stopped now for a few months and feel really good for it but i still have my problems from smoking it, anxiety ect. but deffo stay away from it be strong because trust me will be the best decision of your life mate. take care

21-02-11, 19:03
Yeah dude, try stay clear from the weed. after smoking it a few times i had the same effects as you. Just one word of warning dont expect the meds to work right from the start, it can take up to six weeks.

22-02-11, 04:37

I'm not condoning the use of Weed, As a user in my past I have found that I tried and enjoyed it as it removed my anxiety symptoms whils stoned. The problem is I needed to be stoned 24/7 to be free from anxiety and this is just not possible without giving up on life.

I chose life.

Interesting article in California from so called medics...


Keep off the weed, you like all us anxiety sufferers have a addictive personality, we need an easy escape from anxiety and drugs is not it.

Take Care my friend.

Sharing lifes ups and downs.
