View Full Version : Worried about these symptoms

20-02-11, 14:24
Eye pain (Left eye) Been having it for about a week.
Chest pain- Been having it for a week or two now.
Sighing a lot of the time (Is this a bad sign?)
Neck & Back Pain
Throat Pain.
Feeling short of breath.

I'm 30, I gave up smoking over 8 years ago and rarely drink and don't touch drugs!

I have been worrying a lot lately about:-

Some kind of Heart problem.
Lung Cancer
Throat Cancer
Esophagus Cancer

I'm quite young but i am slightly overweight although i am working on that.

Should i be worried about any type of Cancer or Heart problem?

20-02-11, 14:38
Hi Eggy

No I don't think you have any kind of cancer. The ones you mention are usually found in people who are a great deal older than you. Oesophageal cancer is rare and usually associated with long term liver damage. Throat cancer is associated with long term heavy (and I do mean heavy) smoking, especially pipe smoking. It is also highly unlikely that you have any kind of lung cancer. The symptoms you describe are not associated with cancers.

The chest pain may well be anxiety but if you are worried you should talk to your doctor

Take care Thyme

20-02-11, 15:13
Sighing a lot of the time (Is this a bad sign?)

I sigh all the time Eggy. I'm not trying to diagnose you, obviously, but have to say that's something else that's common in people with CFS/fibromyalgia, as are many of your symptoms x

20-02-11, 15:27
but many of those symptoms are part and parcel of anxiety. Lets not cause unnecessary worry for anyone by giving diagnoses, even though am sure meant well this site is for support, lets leave diagnoses to the docs.

20-02-11, 15:35
:mad: I just said I wasn't trying to diagnose him. I was merely pointing out it is something Eggy might want to mention to his doc.

20-02-11, 15:38
i know but he then may google those illness's and cause more worry, i know it was done with the best intent, but i thinks its potentially dangerous for us to play doctor.

20-02-11, 15:43
But you are diagnosing anxiety as much as I am diagnosing anything else.

20-02-11, 15:48
not really, i just said lets not jump to conclusions as it could be anxiety, as we are on an anxiety site after all, and then ended by suggesting the doctors. clearly the best course of action.

20-02-11, 16:03
Eggys Dr is not much help ,If you read through Eggys posts and get the full facts of his last few months .You would be in a better place to offer your opinions .No one is playing DR .Just trying to offer support and lessen his anxiety .Hes a grown up and is fully aware of this .That and knowing when he needs to see the Dr is his decision im sure he doesnt need to be told that .Hes not stupid . Sue ..

20-02-11, 16:14
I was merely saying that suggesting potential illness's could make someone's anxiety worse as its something else to worry about. I did read the entire thread but i do believe still that if you are worried about symptoms a doctor is the best bet, plus you can always see another.

There is no need to make an offensive post. In no way was i critical of eggy, it was out of concern that i posted. It concerns me that on this forum that if you offer a slightly conflicting opinion you seemed to get jumped upon.

20-02-11, 16:16
It concerns me that on this forum that if you offer a slightly conflicting opinion you seemed to get jumped upon.

Well I believe in freedom of speech so please feel free to say whatever you want. I won't jump on anyone unless it is offensive.

20-02-11, 16:30
I've got no problem with what Jane is saying it's fine with me and she's thinking along the same lines as me anyway and yes everyone is entitled to their opinion, It's just an opinion nothing more.

paula lynne
20-02-11, 16:41
O..Eggy, I thought you were off looking for a woman......?
You said your problems were because you were lonley and needed somebody following your marriage split. (Ive saved the PMs you sent me)
You were off here for a while, and we were all worried, but hopeful that you were getting on ok and had met someone.
Suddenly, you are posting loads of threads again, about things weve been over a thousand times. Nothing wrong with that. We are supportive on this forum.
Just sorry that despite all the advice youve been given, you are still posting the same stuff. I sympathise. I suffer with HA too. Just sometimes...you need to start living your life. Do you really want to be asking these questions in 40 years?

So...did you get the book from the internet you ordered ( last time I asked it was 4 weeks late) That was 3 months ago
What are you doing thats pro-active regarding your HA?
Are you feeling better because youve changed your diet? (Thats why youve lost weight, not because youve got some dreadful disease)

Im aware you had several PMs from Dr R in america. Not even his expertise could help you? Did you take anything on board?
And for anyone who thinks we jump on people because they offer a different opinion...um..not at all. But after monthes of mollycoddling, sometimes the best thing to say is...just be honest and tell it like it is. Pushing people out of the comfort zone is often the thing that saves them.

This forum saved me after over 10 years of panic, anxiety, agoraphobia, and health anxiety. A push. A little nudge.......gave me back my life.

Eggy, we are all here for you, and wish you nothing but the best. But you know in yourself the HA is back with a vengence, and nobody can help you unless you start to help yourself.:)

20-02-11, 16:55
DR R in America is very helpful and a good man.

Nothing is helping me, Exercise, Diet changes, Still feel the same and i've tried everything possible and i feel like i am feeling worse not better.

My throat is still terrible, Still getting the pain, Having to constantly clear my throat and having problem swallowing, My concern is the problem being lower down in the Esophagus because obviously the ENT checked my throat out and said it was inflamed and gave me Lansoprazole and he said it would sort it out, Well he was wrong! The problems are still there and i have taken the medication everyday and i am still taking it.

Now i am suffering a lot of eye pain, chest pain and some shortness of breath.

The dreaded MND thoughts have come back as well and i am really worried about that again epecially now my chest is causing me problems as well as my throat.

I don't think my GP is much good to be honest and i might stop seeing them and see a different one and get a different outlook on things because things aren't going anywhere.

The other GP i saw last year was on about going to a CFS specialist and referred me but my regular GP who i have been seeing since then said that probably wasn't the right thing to do so i never ended up getting to see a CFS Specialist.

I know something is wrong with me, I know my body and something isn't right somewhere, Mostly in the upper half of the body.

I had a ECG and a Chest X-Ray 5 months ago but i don't know how much can change in that amount of time?

Fibromyalgia is something that needs looking in to because my symptoms seem to be similar especially with the back, neck and other pains that i am getting and the fatigue and stomach problems and everything else.

I keep considering what the hell is going on, These are the things that always cross my mind:-

Brain Tumour
Lung Cancer
Throat Cancer
Esophagus Cancer.

And as far as a woman is concerned who's going to want someone who is feeling crap all the time and has a poor quality of life?

All i want is to feel 'normal' although i haven't felt right for a long time and i have forgotten what it feels like to feel normal without having to worry about what is going on all the time! All i want is to be healthy and live life surely that's not too much to ask for? But it seems with me that it is because i try hard to do things but these problems always get in the way, Whether it be pain or something else there's always something.

I have to say though that my throat and chest are my main concerns, The throat thing has been going on for a good few months now and if i did actually have MND then well i wouldn't be alive for much longer and if i was i wouldn't be able to talk, eat, walk or move in the near future.

20-02-11, 17:21
I have asked this before Eggy and I will ask again

What do you want us to do?

If you just want us to say "there there it will be ok" then we can do that, but beyond that we cannot diagnose any illnesses or make you suddenly better.

20-02-11, 17:39
I don't want you to do anything, It's a good place to get advice and to have a rant and get things off my chest!

20-02-11, 17:40
I am starting to wonder if my chest pain is being caused by Costochronditis as i have had it for nearly a week now and it's in the middle and both sides of my chest and it's not going away.

I was told i had a chest infection and was given antibiotics, I am on Day 3 of the 5 Day course and nothing has changed.

20-02-11, 18:54
It can take 3-4 days for the slightest benefit of Antibiotics to work Eggy .They still continie to be in your system for a few days after the last tablet .So time will tell .Apply some heat to the affected area and rest .If its no better it wasnt an infection ..Being tense can cause the same feelings and you have been to the Dr with this before .Have you rung up for the results of the scan you had for your suspected Chrohns Yet ? Your Dr can do this as you shouldnt have to wait this long for the results .If you are takinng antibiotics you would benefit from taking a probiotic yoghurt drink each day ,to put back the good bacteria that your gut needs .Antibiotics kill these bacteria and thus cause tummy upsets .You dont need that as well ..Yakhult is the best one for this But you can get Actimel which is better tasting .. T/c Sue

20-02-11, 19:06
It can take 3-4 days for the slightest benefit of Antibiotics to work Eggy .They still continie to be in your system for a few days after the last tablet .So time will tell .Apply some heat to the affected area and rest .If its no better it wasnt an infection ..Being tense can cause the same feelings and you have been to the Dr with this before .Have you rung up for the results of the scan you had for your suspected Chrohns Yet ? Your Dr can do this as you shouldnt have to wait this long for the results .If you are takinng antibiotics you would benefit from taking a probiotic yoghurt drink each day ,to put back the good bacteria that your gut needs .Antibiotics kill these bacteria and thus cause tummy upsets .You dont need that as well ..Yakhult is the best one for this But you can get Actimel which is better tasting .. T/c Sue

I rang my Surgery on Friday again and they said they won't be sent the results and i have to wait until April when i have my Gastro follow-up appointment to find out the results, Haven't heard about the Colonoscopy though but i read that an MRI can detect Crohn's on it's own without having a camera.

I have never had to go to my GP with chest pains before.

20-02-11, 19:36
It concerns me that on this forum that if you offer a slightly conflicting opinion you seemed to get jumped upon.

You know what Jonny? Jumped on is exactly how I felt. For good or bad, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of posts on NMP in similar vein. Why pick on mine?

20-02-11, 22:24
picking???? Do you really think i trawl this forum randomly looking to argue, i read this thread as i was concerned for the poster. I saw your comment and was a little concerned, I thought maybe mentioning an illness to someone with clearly bad health anxiety was not the maybe the best way to go about it. I was polite and acknowledged your good intentions, its my opinion, i am entitled to it. Then you got angry and your friend jumped down my throat and was rude. Now you accuse me of picking, you cannot take offense every time somebody disagrees with your advice, its not personal, its not about you. I come on here trying to help people, not to have daft accusations thrown at me.

20-02-11, 22:30
I come on hear trying to help people, not to have daft accusations thrown at me.

Funnily enough so do I. Eggy has himself asked questions about fibromyalgia before. It's not something I just plucked out of the air and tried to foist upon him.

20-02-11, 22:35
But i never accused you off anything, i just simply questioned it, something i am entitled to do, as is every poster. You accused me off trawling this site and deliberately picking on you, something very different.

blue moon
20-02-11, 22:37
hey my friends,share the love.You cannot help someone who does not want to be helped.
Petra x

20-02-11, 22:38
You accused me off trawling this site and deliberately picking on you, something very different.

Actually I didn't

20-02-11, 22:40
just slightly miffed for being attacked for simply airing my opinion in a polite and non aggressive way.

20-02-11, 22:42
"For good or bad, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of posts on NMP in similar vein. Why pick on mine?"

Clearly you did, you insinuated that i was picking on you, that i had ignored other posters and targeted you. Something i find offensive

blue moon
20-02-11, 22:43
Friends.....This is all bullshit.Jane do not play along with this it may start you to drink and smoke not worth it Jane......Love Petra xx:hugs:

20-02-11, 22:45
JaneC and Jonny - can you take this to PM please rather than posting on here.


20-02-11, 22:54
Too funny!

20-02-11, 22:59
Gee Wiz, I came on tonight feeling strangley settled and now feel anxious having read this thread. Not why I joined at all and a great call requesting a stop to the posts Nicola. Thank you.

20-02-11, 23:01
I did not suggest you trawled anything. You just seemed to seize on my post when there are posts everywhere saying "sounds like you have this" and "sounds like you have that".

Tbh, I'm sick of people appearing on NMP and rubbishing folk's efforts to help just because they think their way is better, so maybe you just caught the sharp end of that. I'm also sick of the claims of cliques and friendship and cronyism that seem to be gathering momentum by the day. I did not ask Sue to contribute to this thread, nor are we buddies that go around agreeing for the sake of it.

For 18 months, I've enjoyed being a part of NMP and think there are some great people on here but I the way things seem to be heading at the moment, I;m going to have to think about staying away. In fact, it has totally f***ed with my head today.

Sorry, I'm not aiming all this at you, Jonny, I think you may be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

Eggy, I must also apologise to you that your thread has turned into this. I did appreciate what you said earlier. I genuinely think you should speak to him about fibro, perhaps making a list of the symptoms that seem to match xx

20-02-11, 23:04
No problem JaneC, No need to apologise :D

blue moon
20-02-11, 23:04
Oh Jane don't let all this F... with your head you were only saying as is
Love petra xx:hugs:

20-02-11, 23:05
Sorry Nic, you posted while I was writing mine. Delete it if you wish. I would do it myself if I was only replying to Jonny but I'd prefer if you'd let my other comments stand (up to you if you do, of course). I am seriously concerned about what's happening to NMP and have been very upset today.

20-02-11, 23:06
Thanks for your support Petra and Eggy xxx

20-02-11, 23:06
I think we all get a bit senstive at times on here and words can be read in so many ways as there are no emotions behind it really.

Let's all calm down and forget this episode today.

20-02-11, 23:15
Ah yes, the Senior Crony MM has appeared :lac:

No need to feel head-****ed JC. Eggy has mentioned more illnesses on this forum than I've had hot meals, so suggesting another - which I might add HE himself has posted about before - won't make much difference.

If people knew the time we'd expended advising/helping/supporting Eggy I doubt such comments, and perhaps misunderstandings, would occur.

macc noodle
21-02-11, 01:13
Gosh, is this as well as the fibromyalgia? Oh, actually I see now that someone has obviously suggested this as an alternative cause to you rather than cancer, hence the fibromyalgia post I have just replied to.

Problem is Eggy - it all points to massive anxiety issues which will only get better (even in only temporary relief) once you accept that this is the root cause and get the appropriate treatment to help you.

Anxiety is a miserable companion, most of us here know that already.

Have you had any cbt at all to help you with your anxiety issues? I know only too well when you are having a bad time with anxiety that it is hard to use any strategies taught at cbt but, trust me, they do on the whole make life a little easier.

Good luck

21-02-11, 20:53
I think if you had crohns they would probably bring your appointment forward to tell you the results so it sounds like you haven't much to worry about.