View Full Version : Fed up of chest pains

anx mum
20-02-11, 15:07
Still suffering with chest pains was so bad again ended up going to hospital feels like chest on fire or stabbing sharp pain. Doc did my bloods again di dimar looking for clots came back negative. Came home today but still in alot of pain still confused whats causing symptoms is it acid reflex or muscle pain or anxiety?

20-02-11, 15:10

I thought you were going to stop going to A&E?

Why didn't you ask them what it was?

We have told you our opinions but we are not doctors and you won't listen to us anyway!

20-02-11, 15:20
Hi Bev
It sounds a lot like acid reflux to me but I am no doctor
You should have asked
What did they say it was in A & E
You have got to come to terms with this and believe that there is nothing up with you and a lot of it is all anxiety
As you are going to make yourself even worse.
Keep in there


anx mum
20-02-11, 15:29
Hi Bev
It sounds a lot like acid reflux to me but I am no doctor
You should have asked
What did they say it was in A & E
You have got to come to terms with this and believe that there is nothing up with you and a lot of it is all anxiety
As you are going to make yourself even worse.
Keep in there


said muscle pains today. Feel like m going mad cos pains r so intense

20-02-11, 15:38
I thnik you really need to stop going to the hospital. How many times was that for this week?

You really need to see your GP for some meds, especially some acid reflux ones if the reflux is that bad.

I'm not saying you shold never go but I think you've went enough to find out you're fine.

You need a psychiatrist cuz you're not listening to the people who keep reassuring you on this site and it's not fair to them.

20-02-11, 15:38
Ok so you don't need to keep going back then really do you?

We keep telling you our opinions but if you won't listen to a doctor then we have no hope really.

You have to start taking care of yourself and believing there is NOTHING WRONG.

I am not sure what else you want us to do really?

20-02-11, 17:01
You had a diagnosis last week of costochonditris. This is a really painful illness that can take a while to get better, so why don't you try to stop getting so anxious and give your body the chance to heal.

As I've said it will take time before the pain goes so when you get up tomorrow and the pain is still there, don't panic, remember you know what is causing it and it's not life threatening in any way. There's no need to rush to A&E or call an ambulance, just keep telling yourself 'I know what it is' and accept it.

I hope you start to feel better soon
K xx

20-02-11, 17:24
I have to agree, costochondritis and heartburn (which it sounded like you had) are awful, but in time they will heal, take the medicines and pain killers you've been given and try to relax and you will notice it going. It sounds like you've got all three together - acid reflux, costochondritis and anxiety. The anxiety makes the other two worse by causing your muscles to tense further and causing your stomach to produce more acid - so you are in fact making yourself feel worse by worrying. The only way you can stop is to stop the worrying. It's not easy I know, it's difficult and it takes a long time and a lot of hard work but only you can do it. Going to A&E will not help anyone - it doesn't help them; they're overstreched as it is (not that I want you to beat yourself up about that :winks:) - and least of all it won't help you, it'll just make you feel 1000 times worse as you'll keep seeking that reassurance.

Try this the next time your chest hurts:

Try to do muscle relaxation exercises - google and it will come up. Put on some relaxing music at the same time, maybe an electric blanket or a hot bottle. Do it when kids are in bed asleep so they can't interrupt. Try a hot bath with a good relaxing bubble bath (lush or body shop are fab for these things). Pick up a good book, dvd, play a game on the computer, come onto the chat room here, phone a pal. Play with the kids if they're around. Chat to your hubby. Take painkillers but don't sit and think about your chest. Tell yourself "This is costochondritis, and acid reflux. It hurts and yes it feels scary but it cannot harm me."

I'm not saying don't ever seek help if you feel absolutely awful - but try phoning NHS direct first (and be honest with them, tell them you've got anxiety and a diagnosis of other problems), or making a non urgent appt to see the GP. Try hard not to go to A&E or dial 999 - you've had ECGs, blood clot tests and everything - you're fine.

I can't remember if you've been reffered for some counselling or CBT? It might be just what you need love - for both your feelings now and feelings centering around your mum, which I'm sure plays a part in all of this.

You're fine - we know that - but you need to believe it too. You owe it you to give yourself a break!

Keep us posted, you know where we are.

Linda :hugs: x

20-02-11, 19:40
hi chick

i get muscle pain i had it bad yesterday i mean bad. i woke and wanted to cry it hurt so bad got easier the more i forgot but was hard. today I'm still sore I'm laid here anxious cos i when i takeA deep breath in hurts.
but i have had this pain a lot so have to keep reminding myself its anxiety well anxiety caused it.

it sounds like you are in a big cycle you got to break it.
muscle tension in your chest is pain full what you doing now? go to bed law comfy and relax a little x x

how many times you been to a and e this week chick?

anx mum
20-02-11, 20:14
hi chick

i get muscle pain i had it bad yesterday i mean bad. i woke and wanted to cry it hurt so bad got easier the more i forgot but was hard. today I'm still sore I'm laid here anxious cos i when i takeA deep breath in hurts.
but i have had this pain a lot so have to keep reminding myself its anxiety well anxiety caused it.

it sounds like you are in a big cycle you got to break it.
muscle tension in your chest is pain full what you doing now? go to bed law comfy and relax a little x x

how many times you been to a and e this week chick?

Not proud of myself for going to a an e have been in alot of pain with chest and i think with me always think the worst im a worrier i thnk my anxiety has got worse since losing my mum. Wanna thank u all for your comments means alot. Thank u dasiey for your reply what u say does make sence.

20-02-11, 20:21
hiya bev, I'm sorry that your having such a tough time hun! I've had a crazy couple of weeks and I'm feeling awful too! I'm so fed up! :(
Hope you start feeling better real soon! xx

20-02-11, 20:34
you won't be chick you got to stay relaxed honestly my muscles kill all the time in my chest i have good days and bad days i crave for the day it goes away.
you got to think that you are fine x x

anx mum
20-02-11, 20:36
I thnik you really need to stop going to the hospital. How many times was that for this week?

You really need to see your GP for some meds, especially some acid reflux ones if the reflux is that bad.

I'm not saying you shold never go but I think you've went enough to find out you're fine.

You need a psychiatrist cuz you're not listening to the people who keep reassuring you on this site and it's not fair to them.

Im sure u understand how scary chest pain is having had it yourself? I takin meds for acid reflex.

20-02-11, 20:54
You were told it was it was costochonditris. And yet you ignore the diagnosis. People on here are very kind and patient with their replies, yet you ignore those also, you pay them lip service but the day after you post the same post.

Do you talk to you husband and family about your fears , if you dont wake up and start listening( and there is a major difference between between listning and hearing), you hear but do not listen.
You get a lot of attention on here is that something you are not getting within your family.

anx mum
20-02-11, 21:01
You were told it was it was costochonditris. And yet you ignore the diagnosis. People on here are very kind and patient with their replies, yet you ignore those also, you pay them lip service but the day after you post the same post.

Do you talk to you husband and family about your fears , if you dont wake up and start listening( and there is a major difference between between listning and hearing), you hear but do not listen.
You get a lot of attention on here is that something you are not getting within your family.

Yes i do talk to my family and hubby about my fears its gonna affect them too. I dont ask for attention on here people know me reply and im grateful to them

20-02-11, 21:13
I'm sorry but i don't care who i upset now!

i enjoy this site and have used it often for my own fears

but I'm sick of it. there are some things that wind me up and i ignore but yes anxmum asks the same questions all the time about her chest but she is going through such a hard time why can't you support her some replies i have read i think god sake we have all been their but some seen to forget it.

this site should beabout support you open it up for people to join but its who you no and who you choose to help thinking of other things i have read on hear it disgustp me.

if you don't want to help her then don't but don't critise or pull her down.

some replies are wrong and i often think if you saw them in person you wouldn't dare say it to them.
some think they are so high all mighty its un real.

anxmum always a friend here keep smiling

20-02-11, 21:42
(clap clap clap) well said scaredstiff......totally agree, my opinion is if u read the post and have not got anything encouranging or helpful to say then dont say it at all. I know for some it gets frustrating giving help then next day seeing almost the exact same post...but like i said dont answer the post again then.
Bev please dont take on board any of the negative comments....u will in time learn to control ur feelings, everyone is different with recovery. U will get there hun....keep strong willed and prove all the wrong wishers wrong!!!! (wink) Good Luck Lovely xxxxxx

20-02-11, 21:48
Hi bev:)

I can't say anything about u going to a&e all the time remember what I was like looking back I think god I must of been crazy but when you get that chest pain its scary and all you want to do is rush to the hospital and make sure your fine so I do understand why you go, to be honest though from experience once you have had the tests at hospital your reassured for that day and then the next day your back to square one the chest pains still there and u need/want that reassurance again so its keeping the cycle going. Somehow you need to break this cycle and I know its hard I really do maybe when you start your CBT you can finally get a grip on this anxiety and get your life back until then stay strong xxxx

20-02-11, 22:32
scaredstiff - I appreciate your comments but it is not you that has to deal with the complaints and criticsim that I am allowing members to take over the forum and who are we to know whether some of these people are real or just internet trolls. Just cos I am making this comment here does not mean I am implying Bev is a troll though!

I have asked that Bev post one thread and add to it then she will have a complete history of all her concerns and replies.

Members are getting annoyed as they feel like they take the time to care and reply and then they are being totally ignored.

Perhaps I will start merging them together then it won't appear that some members ignore all advice given and just start a new thread.

20-02-11, 22:48
Im sure u understand how scary chest pain is having had it yourself? I takin meds for acid reflex.

I undertsand Bev trust me and I never in a million years meant to offed you at all. I woke up this morning with chest pains/tightness and literally felt that someone had a pillow over my nose. But you know what I did, I went out with my mom and we did some shopping. I didn't run to the a&e cuz I've been before and they've told me I'm fine. Once I start running and keep going, you think I can break that cycle-NO! I'm only gonna make myslef worse.

I've been get daily chest pains that range from sharp, tight, burning for the past 6 weeks. I have reflux, had a bad cold, costochondritis and to top it all off, anxiety!

I in no way want you to feel bad but think of you're kids and husband everytime you run to the a&e? Like I said, if you have to go, you have to go but you have to fight the feelings cuz you've been enough times already and you've had tests as well as a diagnosis. You're very lucky that as soon as you start a thread, everyone rushes to reassure you. Sometimes others are ignored but I've never seen anyone ignore you and I'm not mad of that at all. Just to show you that people care for you but you need to also try and help yourslef.

Like I said, I'm sorry if I offened you but Nicola would undertand where I'm coming from when I say this. I hope you feel better and please try to relax and spend time with your kids. You'll see how better you feel when you distract yourself.

20-02-11, 22:55
are you saying people moan or sorry complain about bevs posts?

20-02-11, 22:58
scaredstiff - About a lot of posts on here by serial posters that don't seem to listen or take any advice on board. So not just Bev.

20-02-11, 23:00
Not at all. All I'm saying is that people care for her well being and they always respond and reassure her but the only reason some are upset is cuz she's posting the same thing everyday and people feel bad that she's ignoring their responds/reassurance.

Like I said I'm sorry for what I said and I in no way didn't want to offend no one. This site is great and I post here as well and get reassurance. But personally, I know how annoyed people will get if the see me or anyone for that matter posting the same thing everyday even though they've been reassured.

Hope I didn't offend anyone, really am sorry.

20-02-11, 23:09
Mark - you have nothing to apologise for at all.

Bev - I want you to call the No Panic helpline next time you feel bad, rather than go to A&E. The number is: 0808 808 0545

I also think you should sign up to the No Panic telephone recovery course as well. It is worth looking into anyway.

20-02-11, 23:49
well i think that is shocking people need yo take a good look at themselves its nothing to do with them ifwhat she posts you can't complain about any one its wrong god help them if they want advice disgusting really really disgusting.
i rang no panic helplin the other week and got a horrid woman but have rang it a lot and they are good really good. normally x

20-02-11, 23:53
It is not disgusting at all. It is human nature

What is happening is people take time to help and reply and feel like it is being thrown back in their face !

21-02-11, 00:26
Why do the "serial posters" as u put it get the flack???? Isnt it just obvious that they are still trying to come to terms with their anxieties.....with this illness whether it be health anxiety, panic attacks or OCD etc everyone reacts differently to how it effects them, some can "come to terms" with it very well and others take awhile and some never quite grasp how to help themselves and take things on board. We all have our own opioions i appreiate that, this is just obviously mine.......but surely being too blunt with someone in the long run will just fuel their worries and make them feel so much worse about themselves as they will feel they are being a nuisense or something along those lines.....because from what i have read of some of the comments without actually saying it thats what is being implied........i know people have repeated themselves with advice to Bev and i know it must be frustrating to a degree but surely u can see this poor lady is having a complete nightmare with her illness of late and that isnt her fault nor is it her fault if she cant fully take on board all of your advices. I feel some replies to this thread could have just been put in a kinder format rather than so bluntly to her......

21-02-11, 00:34
This is a community and some people give and take and some just take, take and take.

I think being blunt is exactly what some members need. All this being nicey nicey just fuels their desire to post more and gain more attention and sympathy without addressing the real problem.

It would also be nice to be acknowledged and see some members helping others on here as well.

When you have dealt with this for over 9 years Debs you will understand where I am coming from with this.

We have had members on here run circles round us then turn out to be complete fakes and not even real sufferers so you must understand why loads of us - not just me- are sceptical of members that post continually, ignore all adivce and then do it every day. As I said who are we to know they are not trolls and genuine members. I always hope people are genuine but to be honest I am beginning to wonder about a few at the moment.

21-02-11, 00:38
Are we not making people's health anxiety worse by constantly reasurring them that their symptons are just anxiety and therefore we are preventing them from getting better?

21-02-11, 00:48
Of course we sympathise with people that are clearly suffering from HA, but I also think that reassurance won't change the facts, ie, the root-causes. I think certain members posting about the same things everyday, getting the same reassuring replies, aren't helping themselves get better.

It's also very demoralising for the people that continuously reply and don't get acknowledged.

We are ALL sufferers here.

21-02-11, 00:55
Just because someone posts and posts doesn't mean they are not real sufferers I use to post continually a while back but now I'm anxiety free most days I still come back to help others as I'm sure bev will when she's better. I do understand all points of view but bev needs help right now and just because people have been fakes before you can't judge other people by there standards. I understand all the reassurance isn't helping bev as I have said it doesn't help to seek reassurance I know from experience it didn't help me but I didn't realise until I finally got to grips with anxiety and looked back. But I think all scaredstiff was sayin is we don't need to make bev feel bad about posting. I know bev off the site and she is a lovely lady,she's just had a baby and her anxiety is bad at the minute she needs a little help (I know lots of people have tried to support her) but come on we all know what its like to be in that state because I'm sure all of us have been where bev is right now. I have a lot of time for bev because I know what its like to suffer like she is now as I'm sure most of you do.

21-02-11, 00:59
I do understand where u r coming from Nicola....it must be hard and unrewarding when that happens. I suppose im too soft then, i just dont like seeing people being given abit of a hard time........
Very nicely put Sammi hun xx

21-02-11, 01:16
I do understand where u r coming from Nicola....it must be hard and unrewarding when that happens. I suppose im too soft then, i just dont like seeing people being given abit of a hard time........
Very nicely put Sammi hun xx

Thanks debs,

Your not too soft at all, I'm the same its not nice to see someone getting a hard time, we are all having a hard enough time trying to beat anxiety without turning on each other and making people feel bad or upsetting people its just not nice :hugs:

21-02-11, 01:23
:) exactly!!! xxx

macc noodle
21-02-11, 01:28
Well, I can see ALL points of view on this one !

When you are really having a tough time with your health anxiety, I know only too well that reason and sense fly out of the window! You feel ill and really cannot calm yourself sufficiently to view it in a calm and rational manner - when it is really out of control you end up in such a vicious circle of seeking reassurance (whilst not really listening to what you are being told) and life is miserable indeed.

However, having suffered this myself to such a degree that each day was just one long slog of misery and self torment (added to which I suffer from fear of hospitals and doctors which at least stopped me from seeking constant medical reassurance and a permanent seat in A&E!), I completely understand how sufferers feel.

That said, I know only too well that only solution to this problem is acceptance of what the doctors (and the results of any tests you have) say and a determination to acquire the appropriate strategies to give you the coping skills so that this does not ruin your life.

You really do have a duty of care to your children to get this under control - it must be very frightening to them to have a mum constantly running to A&E convinced she is dying AND you are also teaching them patterns of behaviour that could well become such a learned process that they end up just the same as you with health anxiety.

Finally, I think that in the short time I have used NMP, I have become increasingly puzzled by some of the posts and have wondered if they were genuine or not and I feel sorry for the administrators/moderators et al who have to deal with them. I do actually think that there is a real element of people who find it hugely entertaining to brighten up their evenings posting such tosh on sites like these just to see what response they get - which is a great shame because I think that most of the members who are genuine have real warmth, compassion and comfort to offer real sufferers who are desperate for a pathway to recovery.


21-02-11, 09:08
I do not care who I upset now either, let me remind you this is a FORUM and all who join can post their opinion, not just those who give sweet caring reassurance. You may think this is the best way to help Bev but some might not share your view.

The best advice does not always mean platitudes and sympathy, it may be some honest and strong opinion may be more beneficial so please dont assume others are posting out of nastiness.
Bev has posted numerous posts on the same subject and is obviously troubled, however if all this sweet reassurance has not helped her.

Bev has support but it does not appear to have helped at all. Please allow other members to post their thoughts without jumping up and down

jo h
21-02-11, 09:44
I'm sorry but i don't care who i upset now!

i enjoy this site and have used it often for my own fears

but I'm sick of it. there are some things that wind me up and i ignore but yes anxmum asks the same questions all the time about her chest but she is going through such a hard time why can't you support her some replies i have read i think god sake we have all been their but some seen to forget it.

this site should beabout support you open it up for people to join but its who you no and who you choose to help thinking of other things i have read on hear it disgustp me.

if you don't want to help her then don't but don't critise or pull her down.

some replies are wrong and i often think if you saw them in person you wouldn't dare say it to them.
some think they are so high all mighty its un real.

anxmum always a friend here keep smiling

I think this is a lovely post ......I agree totally .....we all deal with it in different ways ....hope you are feeling better anxious mum ..I get chest pains too..i have been to a and e only once a year ago and all was ok but I realise when the pains come back it sets the worry off again ..:lac:


anx mum
21-02-11, 12:06
I do not care who I upset now either, let me remind you this is a FORUM and all who join can post their opinion, not just those who give sweet caring reassurance. You may think this is the best way to help Bev but some might not share your view.

The best advice does not always mean platitudes and sympathy, it may be some honest and strong opinion may be more beneficial so please dont assume others are posting out of nastiness.
Bev has posted numerous posts on the same subject and is obviously troubled, however if all this sweet reassurance has not helped her.

Bev has support but it does not appear to have helped at all. Please allow other members to post their thoughts without jumping up and down

Mary: Everyone has the right to have an opinion and yours does count. As for posting i thought this was a forum where u can post when u want i am no troll i am genuine and suffering with awful anxiety. If this bothers u me posting then simply dont reply. I appreiate everyones comments and made many friends on here. I am really trying to fight this anxiety but many of u know how hard it is at the moment taking it day by day.

21-02-11, 12:29
i could swear right now.
i posted the other day on another thread saying opinion matter but some of you are not giving opinion you are rude.its not human nature to complain about some one withal ill Nesslike the one their suffering with. i was told that people with anxiety are line natured people well come on this site sure proves that theory wrong.
some are rude and arrogant to other peoples suffering . every one suffer different. I
have been where bev is and i sought reassurance all the time. I'm coming out and slowly getting better so asking less. but who the hell aresome of you to determined how to trekt bev.
my friend is amazing with me and the amount i used to ask not everyone is patient as her but as fellow suffers get a grip i only hope when you need help you get kicked when your down.
support a fellow suffer or leave her alone.

21-02-11, 12:32
nice natured i mean

21-02-11, 12:36
Aw Bev no one thinks your a troll (well I don't) I know you are really suffering. How are you feeling today? X

anx mum
21-02-11, 12:40
Aw Bev no one thinks your a troll (well I don't) I know you are really suffering. How are you feeling today? X

Hiya sammi still got pains but trying to stay positive think its this imflammation on breastbone. How r u doing today?

21-02-11, 12:45
That's good thinkin positive is the way forward:)

I have a virus so really not well at minute but ill live lol xx

21-02-11, 13:25
I have never said you were a troll Bev, and believe it or not I do care how you feel, I have suferd from HA for around 30 years and gone through differing treatments so I feel qualified to reply.

We are all different on here with a common problem how one views the problem varies I dont think comments by some saying posters are arrogant and cruel help. They should be intelligent enough to see that people do care thats why posts are answered.
Classic to HA if the chest pain dissapeared tomorrow then you would focus on something else as we all do.

BUT if you stop focusing on that and come from the starting point of "I have HA it might help.

anx mum
21-02-11, 13:36
I have never said you were a troll Bev, and believe it or not I do care how you feel, I have suferd from HA for around 30 years and gone through differing treatments so I feel qualified to reply.

We are all different on here with a common problem how one views the problem varies I dont think comments by some saying posters are arrogant and cruel help. They should be intelligent enough to see that people do care thats why posts are answered.
Classic to HA if the chest pain dissapeared tomorrow then you would focus on something else as we all do.

BUT if you stop focusing on that and come from the starting point of "I have HA it might help.

Having gone through it then u should understand how it feels to be constately anxious.

21-02-11, 13:41
I think we all want the same thing and that's to help Bev so we should stop arguing amongst our selfs because its not helping anyone its just causing friction between everyone when we are all here for the same thing to receive and give help. I've posted before and said people shouldn't be harsh to other members because at the end of the day we have all been in that situation but it gets you no where so might as well just agree to disagree.

21-02-11, 14:34
Hope u feel better soon Sammi....there are some horrible bus/viruses going aroung at the moment, they are certainly not needed on top of everything else!!
Hi Bev, hope things are abit better for u 2day, its hard to think rationally sometimes with health anxiety cuz that is how it gets us.....but just a little each day of self belief that its not nothing majorly serious it will get easier.....it just takes time.....and sometimes it just takes ALOT of time, u wil get there eventually hun.


21-02-11, 14:45
Thanks debs:) xx

anx mum
21-02-11, 14:45
Hope u feel better soon Sammi....there are some horrible bus/viruses going aroung at the moment, they are certainly not needed on top of everything else!!
Hi Bev, hope things are abit better for u 2day, its hard to think rationally sometimes with health anxiety cuz that is how it gets us.....but just a little each day of self belief that its not nothing majorly serious it will get easier.....it just takes time.....and sometimes it just takes ALOT of time, u wil get there eventually hun.


Thanks debs sammi and k for your support means alot to talk to u that understand. Im still anxious but trying to take things a day at a time. Still getting horrid chestpains think its inflammation

21-02-11, 14:53

21-02-11, 14:54

anx mum
21-02-11, 15:01

21-02-11, 15:39
i could swear right now.
i posted the other day on another thread saying opinion matter but some of you are not giving opinion you are rude.its not human nature to complain about some one withal ill Nesslike the one their suffering with. i was told that people with anxiety are line natured people well come on this site sure proves that theory wrong.
some are rude and arrogant to other peoples suffering . every one suffer different. I
have been where bev is and i sought reassurance all the time. I'm coming out and slowly getting better so asking less. but who the hell aresome of you to determined how to trekt bev.
my friend is amazing with me and the amount i used to ask not everyone is patient as her but as fellow suffers get a grip i only hope when you need help you get kicked when your down.
support a fellow suffer or leave her alone.

Well now I am getting complaints about this post being offensive as well so can I ask that you please calm things down as well. Thanks.

Bev - certainly give No Panic a call and see if you can get on the Telephone recovery course - I think you would enjoy it.

sarah jayne
22-02-11, 16:03
Bloody hell this is a long post. I know exactly what u are going through bev because my anxiety starting with chest pains, i dont think theres anything worse evn that headache that we both had for ages over a year ago. I also suffer from costachondritis, ive had it on and off since my youngest was born, sometimes it can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack and many times i have rushed to a n e thinking the worst. Dont ever feel bad for going to hospital thats what they are there for. If it gets really bad you can have steroid injections into your chest, they didnt work for me though but some people say they sre brilliant, you could also ask ur doctor for some lidocain patches to stick on your chest, you wear them for 12 hours each day and they numb the pain. Im here if u ever need a chat n u know im on facebook aswell ;) Dont ever feel that ur on your own. Just ignore the few pathetic people who want to have a go at u cause alot of us care xx :hugs: xx

22-02-11, 16:27
Just ignore the few pathetic people who want to have a go at u cause alot of us care xx :hugs: xx

Isn't that asking for trouble calling people pathetic?

We had got this thread back on track or so I thought :lac:

22-02-11, 17:20
Just ignore the few pathetic people who want to have a go at u cause alot of us care

That was totally uncalled for like Nicola said. Don't you think you're just causing more issues by saying things like that?

22-02-11, 17:27
Bloody hell this is a long post. I know exactly what u are going through bev because my anxiety starting with chest pains, i dont think theres anything worse evn that headache that we both had for ages over a year ago. I also suffer from costachondritis, ive had it on and off since my youngest was born, sometimes it can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack and many times i have rushed to a n e thinking the worst. Dont ever feel bad for going to hospital thats what they are there for. If it gets really bad you can have steroid injections into your chest, they didnt work for me though but some people say they sre brilliant, you could also ask ur doctor for some lidocain patches to stick on your chest, you wear them for 12 hours each day and they numb the pain. Im here if u ever need a chat n u know im on facebook aswell ;) Dont ever feel that ur on your own. Just ignore the few pathetic people who want to have a go at u cause alot of us care xx :hugs: xx

Goodness this thread has stirred some very strong opinions up and , to call posts that differ from your as pathetic is blinkerd can you not accept that we are not all the same.
I am suprised in the anger in some posts, and dont think that is helpfull at all.
Bev is in a bad place at the moment I think most on here recognise that , advice to her on how to start to improve are a matter for the one posting , She can ignore the posts she doesnt like .
But they are not born of malice .

Sympathy and Apathy are fine if thats your opinion but please do not call posts pathetic just because they are opposite to yours.:nonono:

anx mum
22-02-11, 19:33
Goodness this thread has stirred some very strong opinions up and , to call posts that differ from your as pathetic is blinkerd can you not accept that we are not all the same.
I am suprised in the anger in some posts, and dont think that is helpfull at all.
Bev is in a bad place at the moment I think most on here recognise that , advice to her on how to start to improve are a matter for the one posting , She can ignore the posts she doesnt like .
But they are not born of malice .

Sympathy and Apathy are fine if thats your opinion but please do not call posts pathetic just because they are opposite to yours.:nonono:

Yeah u are right i can ignore the posts that i dont like i think there is a way of saying things.

22-02-11, 19:49
Mary it was different when I was writing awful posts to bev but as soon as someone says something about your complaining there is a way of saying things and your way just isn't it. Seriously I didn't want to get involved but seeing you complain when someone says stuff about you but thinking its ok to belittle people like u did bev I can't sit back and watch it. Nic please could you delete my account when you can as I can't sit and watch these goings on anymore mary was obviously in the wrong and caused all the backlash to start with and as usual its the poor innocent people like bev that get spoke to and treat like dirt.

22-02-11, 19:51
You was writing awful posts sorry not i

22-02-11, 20:21
Wow! What a shame. Do some people who have overcome (or at least come to terms) with their anxiety forget what it feels like to be completely & desperately in the clutches of it?! :shrug:

I feel for you Bev - I don't know if I've spoken to you before, but I have bad costochondritis & acid reflux. Twice in the last 3 weeks I have been close to going to A&E during the night. I didn't go... but only because I am now in a place where I can recognise myself going into 'panic mode' and I can reason with myself. I certainly would NOT have been in that place a few years ago! It is SO hard to get out of the habit of running for help. Some people will find it easier than others to accept what doctors tell them - I guess in those cases it is advisable to seek help from a trained therapist. Remember, the majority of posters on here aren't trained - they're just like you and me. Some with more tolerance & some with more sympathy.

I do see some of the points made, but just as there are 'serial posters' on here, there are also 'serial moaners'. Sadly there will always be time-wasters on sites like this, but I for one will always try to offer support. Surely it is far better to post an encouraging message to someone that may be just 'having a laugh' with a bogus post, than it is to make someone (who is potentially genuine & in a difficult place emotionally) feel that they are beyond help because they don't listen? We can try our best to help people with good intentioned advice but as I said, the majority of us are not trained psychiatrists - so what gives us the right to assume that our words alone are going to suddenly cure someone of their deep-rooted fears & anxieties?! We can only TRY to help. If anyone feels that they are no longer able to help a specific poster, then it's simple really - don't post. Leave it to those who still have support to give.

My view is when you REALLY care about someone, you help & help & help & help... without asking for thanks, praise or reciprocation.

I truly hope you find a way of acknowledging & overcoming the power of your anxiety Bev x :bighug1:

22-02-11, 20:22
Mary it was different when I was writing awful posts to bev but as soon as someone says something about your complaining there is a way of saying things and your way just isn't it. Seriously I didn't want to get involved but seeing you complain when someone says stuff about you but thinking its ok to belittle people like u did bev I can't sit back and watch it. Nic please could you delete my account when you can as I can't sit and watch these goings on anymore mary was obviously in the wrong and caused all the backlash to start with and as usual its the poor innocent people like bev that get spoke to and treat like dirt.


22-02-11, 20:26
Do you know what mary your probably much older than me but I won't lower myself to your level by making someone feel bad about then selfs (ill leave that to you).

22-02-11, 20:32
There is absolutely no need for all this at all, can everybody calm down please.

I don't want to have to spend all night removing argumentative posts and i will if they carry on.

Can everyone just take time out and calm down.

Sammi, i really hope you don't leave so i'm going to give you 24 hours to think about this.

If i see anymore insults going up they will be removed and people will be banned from replying any further.

We could really do without another night of arguing.

22-02-11, 20:36
Thanks diane:)

22-02-11, 20:36
Do you know what mary your probably much older than me but I won't lower myself to your level by making someone feel bad about then selfs (ill leave that to you).

Yes I am probably a lot older with more than enough experience of lifes challenges but onr thing I have learnt in life, is that we all have different opinions and they will differ, one must accept we wont agree with all of them it doesnt make them wrong just different.

Perhaps that is something that comes with maturity

anx mum
22-02-11, 20:37
Yes I am probably a lot older with more than enough experience of lifes challenges but onr thing I have learnt in life, is that we all have different opinions and they will differ, one must accept we wont agree with all of them it doesnt make them wrong just different.

Perhaps that is something that comes with maturity

Maturity? Thats a joke

22-02-11, 20:39
I hope my previous post has been read by all now.

22-02-11, 20:39
I'm mature thankyou mary a lot more mature than you may think. I didn't say we had to agree but as many people have said if you can't support bev then don't post end of you didn't have to speak down to her like you did.

sarah jayne
22-02-11, 20:43
i think its obvious, if mary60 would stop acting high and mighty and stop posting on this thread then there would be no arguing.....i will pm u bev xx

22-02-11, 20:49
Closing thread to prevent further arguments