View Full Version : HA worse day after alcohol?

20-02-11, 16:15
Just wanted to see if people's HA is worse the day after drinking alcohol? I went out last night and drank more than usual and this morning I feel so anxious. My fingers are tingling and I have an internal tremor (think I have MS!) Curious to see if other people suffer with this?

20-02-11, 17:22
I have to avoid the stuff as i end up in A&E thinking that I'm having a heart attack. I used to have a good time before this crept in but i just don't touch the stuff because of the HA.


20-02-11, 18:24
Hi Mondie. This is a completely normal response to alcohol hangover. You become hypoglycemic after drinking which increases cortisol (stress response) to increase body sugar. This is a sympathetic response so epinephrine is also released which increases your sensitivity to stimuli, increases heart rate, pupillary diameter, etc. Don't worry. Tomorrow you will be right as rain. If you want to speed up your recovery, drink lots of water and go exercise. I don't drink nearly as much as I once did for this very same reason. I hate the hangover feeling.

21-02-11, 16:02
Yep if I drink alcohol my anxiety is through the roof the next day not good at all x

21-02-11, 16:37
Hi, Exactly the same for me. Alcohol stresses the nervous system with it's effects - for me it effects how 'panicked' I feel. A friend, who also has anxiety, has experienced several panic attacks that have coincided with hangovers so your definitely not alone here.

Personally I avoid those big drinking sessions nowadays as it's not worth the after effects! Hope your feeling better.

22-02-11, 04:28
Yep, I"m the same bloody anxiety goes through the roof,I don't have H/A though.