View Full Version : health anxiety and cbt

20-02-11, 18:06
Hi i am cate new to this forum. I have suffered pretty much alone for the last 6 years with my anxiety. All started when pregnant with my daughter who is nearly seven. Started having panic attacks around 6 months pregnant which wa a shock as never worried about my health before and now every niggle was a liife threatening disease!! I was diagnosed with post natal depression so put on venlafaxine which helped initially then i needed something different so was put on citalopram 20mg which worked to start with but i feel lately that i am going insane!! Hot flushes cold sweats chest pains palpitations blurred vision, ibs playing up etc, i have just broken up with my ex and been stressed with some assignments but its really getting me down!! I am waiting for my CBT to start which takes forever but i have heard wonderful things about it can anyone else give me some tips as to stop feeling like im going to die!!! My family are totally bored of hearing that i dont feel well or i have a pain somewhere so i dont say anything anymore. I know my anxiety is worse when im not occupied more time to focus on the aches and pains i guess but surely this is not it for me for rest of my life i want to be me again!!!!
Im also a student nurse which u may find odd but when i focus on caring for others its less time thinking of my own problems!!

20-02-11, 18:08
Hi cateline

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-02-11, 18:38
Hi Cate,

Sorry to hear your feeling so bad. I think CBT will help you, as you say its a long wait, despite being diagnosed with severe anxiety i had to wait 5 months. However there are some free online cbt courses which may help you in the mean time, here is one i found http://dormant.llttf.com/index.php?section=page&page_seq=19 not sure how effective it is but may give you some good advice.

23-02-11, 14:33
Hi cate,
Im in the same boat (if you read my other posts you'll see!) And know just how you feel I'm waiting fir my online cbt course to start and hoping it will help but I know what its like. Take care Xx