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View Full Version : Hello from the States

20-03-04, 11:16
Hello everyone...I am from the a small town in northern Wisconsin, United States. I am 52 and have suffered with panic attacks and agoraphobia since I was 30. Things have been going pretty well. I have been on a number of different antidepressants in that time along with Xanax as needed. I am a 7 year survivor of breast cancer and doing well. The main panic that I deal with now is a fear of driving, especially over bridges and on busy freeways. (oh yeah, I just hate escalators, too) I live in a small town so there is no problem driving there but when we go and visit large cities, I usually let others do the driving. If necessary, I will drive but it isn't one of my favorite things to do. I usually just make sure that I take a Xanax before the trip and play one of my panic CD's in the car while driving. It is hard to explain this to anyone that hasn't been there. My husband is a truck driver so he really has a clue has to what I feel when I am approaching a bridge or busy highway but he is very understanding. Thanx for listening. I guess one thing that I have learned is not to beat up on myself too badly when I feel this way. I have friends that have other phobias that I do not and I don't judge them. I must say also, that I have made tremendous progress since I first started having panic attacks. There was a time where I didn't even want to leave the house to go and check the mailbox. This was when I had two little children at home so it was quite overwhelming. But with therapy and the right medications, I have been able to overcome many of my problems. I figure, after going through breast cancer and all the chemo and radiation, there isn't much left out there worth fearing. Hugs Jellybean

20-03-04, 12:37
Hi jellybean, sounds like you have been through a lot, its good that your husband is understanding and supportive.

I myself have realised that blaming yourself or beating up on yourself for the way you feel will get you nowhere. Well done for the progress you have made, you should feel very proud of yourself as we all know how hard this can be.

It seems you have a great attitude towards the problems you have encountered, and i wish you all the best for the future, you deserve it!


20-03-04, 16:34
Hi Jellybean.

Many thanks for stopping by to post your journey to recovery. You've done so well and will continue to do so.

Are you taking regular medication at present ?

Fantastic news about your 7 years post cancer.

On of my team heavily dislikes bridges but is not an 'anxious' person. Sometimes we just have these foibles and are happy to live with them. We don't have to come out of this journey from panic as super heros .

As you say- accept and don't judge yourself or others.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-03-04, 19:15
Hi Jellybean and welcome to the site.

My main panic comes when driving but I am doing well now and not panicked for a long time whilst in the car. I am going to keep challenging myself so I don't stop doing it again.

Have a good look around and post on any subjects that you feel you can help with or offer advice.


21-03-04, 23:20
What a lady!! Well done to get through all that!
Welcome aboard the message forum Jellybean - we share the same age!!! Are you a 1951'er? If so, when is your birthday?

Glad you found the site - you will find it very helpful and find lots of support.

Take care