View Full Version : So sick of worrying about Cancer!

20-02-11, 20:57

Just thought i'd vent to everyone on here as i am 100% sick of worrying that I have some type of cancer! Every symptom, ache or little twinge i feel I attribute it to some kind of Cancer!
In the past 9 months, I have diagnosed myself with Leukemia, lymphoma, stomach cancer, brain cancer and now i am obsessed with cervical cancer or cancer that has spread and is all over my body.
The thing is, I don't really have any alarming symptoms *touch wood*! I'm just obsessed with cancer and I'm sick of it! I am actually terrified that I am going to get it or already have it!

I am constantly checking cancer stats and symptoms to reassure myself and the reality is, Cancer isn't as common as the media portrays it to be - 300,000 people in the UK get cancer out of nearly 62 million!
I know i am being ridiculous but I am worrying silly amounts about it!
I have OCD, so I never know whether the obsessive thoughts about cancer are related to that!

I'm just so tired of thinking about it!

Does anyone else obsess over cancer?

Sorry for the long rant! xxx

20-02-11, 21:11

Yes, cancer is my big fear too. In the past 6 months or so I've 'had' breast, lung, stomach, cervical and bone cancer as well as a brain tumour!! It got to a point where I couldn't function properly because the fear was too great.

However, it's early days but I think I'm on the road to recovering from HA due to CBT. It's really helping me keep perspective and be rational when I would normally go into a blind panic. Have you tried CBT?

K xx

20-02-11, 21:17
I'm exactly the same! Everything is cancer!!

I'm glad to hear your CBT is helping! I'm starting mine on Tuesday actually and i'm looking forward to it but at the same time i'm a bit nervous incase it doesn't work!
How are you finding it? xxx

20-02-11, 21:21
It took me a while to believe it would help but suddenly after my last session it all seemed to fall in place and I can see how irrational I've been over my health. I would say give it a good shot, don't give up after a few sessions because you think it isn't working because you might be like me and take some time to 'get into it'.

Good luck, I really hope it helps.

K xx

20-02-11, 21:34
I am exactly the same, my big fear is cancer...it's even difficult for me to say, write or type the word.

I also have OCD and my checking for symptoms is basically the same rituals I go through for checking doors are locked, gas rings are off etc.

I've been having CBT for nearly a year now and I am getting better at rationalising but I still have wobbles every now and then. Every little twinge, ache or sensation makes me wonder.

Good luck with the CBT I do think it works, but give it time to see the benefits. I'm feeling a bit wobbly at the moment as my therapist has been off on the sick and it's about three weeks since my last session (I usually go once a week), so I can really feel the difference when I haven't been.

20-02-11, 23:16
Me too, get over one cancer worry i only move on to another, worried for 6 years that i had cervical cancer (i didnt as i plucked up the courage to get a test) now its breast cancer and mouth cancer. I too never think of any symptom being anything else. It doesnt help that every newspaper or magazine we open has awareness ads. Im checking and checking for lumps many times a day, i convince myself there must be something wrong and ive missed it. I think of all the days ive spent wasting my time checking worrying and get annoyed with myself but it still doesnt change my mindset. I hope eventually one day ill think in a more rational way.

20-02-11, 23:37
My big fear is dying young and leaving my children behind without a mother and i keep thinking my mental health problems will cause me to die...stupid i know....But i have been able to get out of these though patterns when they come back...I use my knowledge from my cbt theraphy which i had about 7yrs ago...and i have to say it worked well for me....but those horrible thoughts still come up now and then but least im able to deal with them better now:) Definately ask ur gp doc about CBT....

20-02-11, 23:39
Cancer does not have to be terminal.

People survive cancer.

If you spend your life worrying about dying then surely that is not living?

20-02-11, 23:41
Cancer does not have to be terminal.

People survive cancer.

If you spend your life worrying about dying then surely that is not living?

Nearly everyone in my family who has had Cancer has died apart from 1, Cancer scares the hell out of me but i'd rather Cancer than something like MND where it is guaranteed that you will die a slow horrible paralysing death.

20-02-11, 23:48
You havnt got MND Eggy ..Your health anxiety is on overdrive at the moment .Concentrate on one ailment at a time for now .:winks:Luv Sue x

20-02-11, 23:50
Oh cheers us all up Eggy lol

20-02-11, 23:51
Cancer does not have to be terminal.

People survive cancer.

If you spend your life worrying about dying then surely that is not living?

And lots of people don't survive cancer either...all my moms side have died with cancer....

where have i said that i spend my life worrying about dying??? i said i have thoughts abut dying which come and go....and explained how i deal with that...I certainly don't spend every day, minute,week, yr worrying about it!! it's actually only been the last six months on and off!but least im dealing with it.....

20-02-11, 23:55
I was not replying to you specifically - I was making a general statement.

I know that I will not live to old age cos of my health problems so why not live life to the full now - like I am trying to.

Worrying about something that MAY never happen is not productive really is it?

20-02-11, 23:56
As an example - a friend at work had breast cancer - she is fine now and been ok for over 8 years.

My next door neighbours - one had breast cancer and one had bowel cancer - they are both alive and doing well

I was trying to be positive and not make it all doom and gloom on here

21-02-11, 00:11
I understand what you are saying Nicola. I even think this myself and get really annoyed at the time I waste through worrying about it, I've lost whole weekends googling symptoms trying to convince myself I'm ok only to end up more convinced that something is drastically wrong.

21-02-11, 00:15
Cancer is all over the TV and papers so no wonder people are worried but I am more likely to die from it than any of you if you are fit and healthy.

21-02-11, 00:23
Cancer is all over the TV and papers so no wonder people are worried but I am more likely to die from it than any of you if you are fit and healthy.

Don't you start with the doom and gloom Nic - we've seen you exercising away at your gym :roflmao:

21-02-11, 00:24
Ahh has Sue been secretly filming it Mel lol

21-02-11, 00:27

21-02-11, 00:28
OMG that is horrid Mel lol

21-02-11, 00:36
I think you've been going a bit OTT myself Nic - I blame Sue hehe

21-02-11, 00:36
Hmmm I blame Sue for that lol

21-02-11, 01:22
:roflmao:just think 6months training with Geoff you could look like that Nic .:scared15:... lmao

21-02-11, 01:41
:roflmao:just think 6months training with Geoff you could look like that Nic .:scared15:... lmao

Who is this Geoff character of which you speak BS? :lac:

I will be informing Alex forthwith :winks:

21-02-11, 16:53
Ive asked this before BUT would cancer show signs in a FBC..i mean would my full blood count not be normal..

21-02-11, 19:27
Me too hun, worry gets to you, mine even projects on to my dog bless him it is a terrible fear, best way forward is to laugh about it, all my family make light of it.
May not work for all but it does for me.

21-02-11, 19:36
Mel - Geoff is at the exercise class and fancies Sue - he even kissed her last week :whistles:

21-02-11, 20:53
Ive asked this before BUT would cancer show signs in a FBC..i mean would my full blood count not be normal..

I have wondered that myself before, Im sure the White Blood Cell Count would be abnormal if you had Cancer somewhere.

21-02-11, 21:04
Ive asked this question before i get told yes..but if i google it says no,i know google is not "allowed" but i just want to know..my bloods were last done Nov 9th full blood count normal....arghhh

21-02-11, 22:42
I was not replying to you specifically - I was making a general statement.

I know that I will not live to old age cos of my health problems so why not live life to the full now - like I am trying to.

Worrying about something that MAY never happen is not productive really is it?

If only it was that easy to stop the nasty thoughts appearing! if i find the switch off button i'll let you know...My mother and father constantly remind me of how they lost their friend at the age of only 36 due to a heart-attack caused through her mental health state....This is why i worry about dying! I get this statement shoved in my face everytime i have a blip with my depression/anxiety.......:weep:

21-02-11, 22:44
Ive asked this before BUT would cancer show signs in a FBC..i mean would my full blood count not be normal..

Hiya-If ur doctor is checking ur white cell count then yes it will show up...They will be abnormally high....

21-02-11, 23:02
Ive asked this question before i get told yes..but if i google it says no,i know google is not "allowed" but i just want to know..my bloods were last done Nov 9th full blood count normal....arghhh

My Doc said yes , your Doc said yes ??......Lets get Dr Google struck off !:D

21-02-11, 23:10
Doctor google can make you feel like you have every disease possible to mankind!!iv'e banned him from my house! His a health risk!:winks:

21-02-11, 23:27
My mother and father constantly remind me of how they lost their friend at the age of only 36 due to a heart-attack caused through her mental health state.

What do you mean by she had a heart attack due to her mental health state.

Your parents are not helping you if they keep saying this to you. Maybe you should ask them not to as it upsets you.

21-02-11, 23:36
What do you mean by she had a heart attack due to her mental health state.

Your parents are not helping you if they keep saying this to you. Maybe you should ask them not to as it upsets you.

Have told my parents it upsets me!! might as well talk to the wall!!

My parents friend autopsy found nothing wrong physically...her heart was found to be healthy to....They could only put her heart attack down to the stress of her mental illness.....

21-02-11, 23:40
Well I am not sure about that.

Have you had any help for your fears at all - any form of counselling?

22-02-11, 12:59
Well I am not sure about that.

Have you had any help for your fears at all - any form of counselling?

Unfortunately its a well know fact that stress can kill....

I don't get the thoughts too often about dying...i'd rather deal with it myself...Iv'e had cbt in the passed and i know how to control the negative thoughts and stop them spiraling when they do appear...