View Full Version : flash of lightening

20-02-11, 22:21
hi guys, has anyone ever experienced a flash of light in their vision?
i mean tonight after a good cry, the room lit up like lightening in fact i was so convinced i sat silent for a while waiting for the thunder only to realise it was my eyes!! this has never happened to me before??

21-02-11, 00:32
This has happened to me a few times. I had my vision checked and was told it was stress related.

21-02-11, 09:53
I have severe eye problems being born with severe short sight so have loads of experience with genuine eye symptoms! Yours if it was a one off is not likely to be eye related but more to do with pressure in your eye from crying or rubbing the eyes.

I had a vitrious detachement in one eye that went wrong ( everyone has them as they get older but you don't know and its normal) Everytime I moved my eye and it only affects one eye not both I got a flash of light at the edge - it was nore noticeable the darker it was and it did it every single time i moved my eye but not otherwise and lasted for weeks. This was caused by the retina being pulled as the virtious detached but thankfully my retina stayed perfectly okay during this.
I also had a retinal bleed in same eye ( not a happy eye:lac:) and woke up with a round hole in my vision that flashed different colours everytime I blinked but did not move or change - again it healed up without any problems weeks later but was monitered.

So any real eye problems the symptom will only be in one eye and it will be constant and not change and last for days or months.

Bet you were rubbing your eyes with crying weren't you?